Chapter 1

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His face is the last thing I expected to see this morning as I sit at my new desk, scoffing down a warm Danish pastry, savouring every mouthful as the buttery flakes melt on my tongue.

"Hello," he says. "You must be the new girl, I'm..." Then his eyes go wide and his mouth opens. "Steph! Is that you?" I close my mouth, frantically wiping the marmalade from my lips, sucking at my teeth to remove any remnants of food, while brushing the crumbs from my clothes. Pissing-hell, what is he doing here?

There's an awkward moment where I don't know whether to shake his hand, hug, or ignore him. After all, we haven't spoken in twenty years. He looks as awkward as me. Shit!

"Do you work here?" I ask.

"Err, no, I thought I would just come and steal some breakfast." He laughs. "Of course I work here. I'm one of the Marketing Consultants." Oh no—this means we will be working together. He's still laughing, more of a nervous laugh, although I don't ever remember him getting nervous.

"Oh!" is all I can say.

"I had no idea it was you. I knew a new girl was starting today but never imagined..." He pauses, looking at me. I've turned into a blob of Jelly; it is a good thing I am sat down, as I don't think my legs could hold me right now.

I gulp as he stares. I have a jumble of gymnasts taking turns to cartwheel in my stomach. Another awkward silence. "Where is your desk?"

"It's just here." He gestures to the desk staggered opposite mine.

"You've got to be kidding me," I say, did I said that out loud?

"Is that a problem?" he says with a smirk.

"No, no, not at all," I backtrack. "I am just surprised to see you, that's all."

Finally, a few other people walk in and dissipate the tension. Including my boss, "Ah Steph, I see you have already met Callum," he says waving his hand towards Cal.

"Yes," I say, not mentioning the fact we already know each other, and Cal doesn't mention it either, which is a relief.

"Let me introduce you to the team." My boss turns around and gestures to the few people who have just walked in. "This is Chris, he is the Marketing Specialist."

"Hi." Chris holds his hand out to shake mine. He is about my age. His short hair has started to go grey on the sides, but it looks good on him. I take his hand and smile.

"And Kelly is our Analyst," my boss continues. She smiles, showing her perfect white teeth and bobs her head, swishing her silver-blonde hair. I wave my hand at her and mouth the word 'Hi'. She is pretty and looks younger than me, or maybe she doesn't have kids—they certainly age you. My boss continues to go through the rest of the group. "And James is the Promotions Manager."

"Hello Stephanie," he says. James is good looking, too good looking for his own good, very clean-cut, and dressed in a royal blue suit. He is much younger; he would have to be to pull off that bright suit.

"Hello, nice to meet you all," I say, looking around at everyone and waving my hand in a rainbow.

"There are a few others who will arrive shortly, I am sure you will get to know everyone as the weeks' progress," my boss says.

"Thank you, Sir," I say.

"Call me Jerry," he smiles. He is a big fellow, with grey hair and a full beard, and has an authority about him. Well, he is the chief, but his smile is warm, and he seems friendly enough. Plus, he was more than generous with my salary—I can't ask for more than that. I have been desperate to get another job for a while now, working in marketing with a boss who doesn't appreciate me. Constantly asking me to work extra hours. I wouldn't mind, but I haven't had a pay rise in years.

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