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Welp, here I am Again bringing to you another story.
This is my first time writing a medieval story with a pinch of magic, so this book maybe not the best but I will try my best not to let you down.(*≧ω≦)
Please give me some pointers if I had something wrong and please vote and comment.

This author here is happy just by you reading my story, so to those who read this a very big THANK YOU To all of you.

There will be grammatical errors and etc.


Loves loves loves~

( ^-^)ノ∠※。.:*:・'°☆

Grey Desmund White was a beggar. Living in the streets, getting hungry everyday until someone gave him a helping hand.

Someone gave him hope. An old man adopted grey, he was a high figure in the underworld but he treated grey like the son he never had.

The old man also had an eight year old daughter. She was sweet and cheerful. He dearly loved his sister .

Grey wanted to support and help the old man so he began to study and prctice taekwondo, mixed martial arts and more.

He also became a hacker, he knows a thing or two in the field of medicine and poison, in his education he was intelligent and he always ranked first. He gave all his best so That the old man would be proud.

One night when his father went to a business trip he was murdered.

When the siblings heard the news they cried. He was filled with sorrow and grievances.

The two sibling relied on each other from there onwards.

Grey promised himself that he will get to the bottom of his fathers murder case.

He became more stonger he contiued the business that was left by the old man and he also trained his sister the ways of the underworld while investigating his fathers case.

At the age of eighteen he gained the the title the most intimidating reputation of being the cold slayer with the allias ''silver'' in the underworld, even the police feared him.


Well he was known for being ruthless and he mercilessly kills without no hesitation.

Though no one has ever seen his true face because he always wear a black mask, his platinum hair was seen swaying agaisnt the wind.

At last the day has finally come, he fnally killed the one, the mastermind of his fathers assasination.

He heartlessly, killed everyone. He spared no one but due to his rage he failed to see the bomb hidden underneath the desk.

It exploded,

At this time he opened his mouth, his always nochalant and indifferent face showed a little smile,

Then he whispered his last words

'' Dad, I hope you are happy now. Thank you, and......I love you...''



His eyes were blinded by the light.

He opened his eyes
The first question in his mind were
' is this heaven? No maybe hell?'

His eyes swept the room, it looks like the ones from the medieval period.

He saw shelves covered with books,
There were a table at the middle with a vase on top of it. There was a big window, bright and soothing sunlights were coming from it. The room was lavish and fancy.

He nodded, the owner of this body must have been rich.

He looked at his small hands, he blinked.

'' Did I trully reincarnated?'' He opened and closed his dainty hands .

He clearly remembered that his hands were full of callousses before but now......

Just as he was supposed to stand up there was an immense pain his head.

It feels like its going to split!!

Then flashes of memories were shown.

He knows his story!!

In his last life this was the novel that his sister loved to read. It was titled WILD HEARTS.

She would always read it. She also came to him just to storry tell. Being the doting brother he is he did not refused nor did he get annoyed.

He was listening to the story with a stiff and cold face but inside he was enjoying it. His sister was the one who was telling a story how could he say no!??

Imagine an assasin sitting on a couch,with his focus only at his sister as she excitedly tells the whole story, with his stone like face.

The guards found it hillarious from time to time but they also admire their young master.

Recalling the past he was melancholy and was a little blue.

Small theatre

Author: I am lonely, sigh. If only there was a system on this story.

Grey: what about me??

Author: you're no fun.

ML: when will I appear??

Author: maybe at chapter 4 or 6.


Grey: ''......''

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