Pure, raw and uncontainable anger.

The last time I felt anger like this was almost a decade ago when I had an anger-management problem as a teen, and I would get in unnecessary fights. All I saw was red as I stormed back into the station, with one thing on my mind.

My reaction didn't go unnoticed by my partner, as he followed behind me, calling out my name for me to stop. Yet, I couldn't. All I could feel were my nails digging into my palm, and the air brushing my upper lip as I breathed hard.

The ground felt like it was crumbling beneath me as I stomped my way inside the section of the stations with the cells, knowing that's where they would be keeping him for now.

"Tristan wait!" Sean shouted as he grabbed my shoulder. "Calm down mate. You're gonna get yourself in trouble"

I nudged my arm away harshly as I glared at him. "What do you care? You'll be happy if I get suspended or better yet! Be stripped of my badge" I spat as I turned to resume my journey, but he grabbed my hand again.

"Look, I know you care for the girl and this might be personal. But you don't need to go against the rules to-"

"F**k the rules!" I gritted out harshly, giving him one last glare. With that glare it told him not to follow as I went all the way.

I knew the consequences that could arise from my actions. But I was too driven on anger to know that I couldn't calm down unless I saw her in front of me, smiling with those beautiful lips and looking at me with those beautiful brown eyes.

But that wasn't going to happen. Because this man shoved a f**king knife in her and now she's in what can be critical condition, or worse.

Nobody was in there when I entered, and I shoved the door open with a loud thud, gaining his attention from where he laid his head in his hands. I could imagine what I looked like simply by the look on his face as he spotted me. I was in front of him in a second, grabbing him by the collar and shoving him against the wall.

He winced at the impact, and I grabbed his other collar with my other hand, shoving him against the gray wall again as I glared at him through squinted eyes. But what I didn't expect, was to see the man start weeping.

"Please, please don't hurt me" Officer James cried. Cried like a f**king baby. "I'm sorry I did it. I had to!"

"What was so urgent that you had to stab her!?" I shouted at the top of my voice, well aware that anyone could walk in any minute. "You don't even know her!"

"P-please. Just let me go and I'll tell you. Please" Despite my gut telling me to punch him silly, I let the old man go. I did, however, stand right in front of him, granting him no space to move.

"Speak" I commanded sharply as I folded my arms in front of me. He gulped once before speaking.

"A couple weeks ago, a woman came to me"

"Speak straight or you wont have another chance to talk at your own trial" I gritted out. "What woman?" I knew damn well what woman it was, and I also knew that he knew too. So the fact that he wasn't calling her name pissed me off.

"M-mia. She came to me specifically two weeks ago one night when I had a late shift"


"She made a deal with me" He admitted shamefully.

My blood boiled even more at that. "You did this for money!"

"No wait" He pleaded, holding up his hand to halt my forthcoming punch. "I did it for my family. Not myself!" I squinted my eyes into slits at this, and I waited for him to continue. "I-I have a wife and three kids. I'm a sick man Detective Deckor. My job barely pays for my medical bills and my family and --I can't--I just didn't want them suffer if anything should happen to me"

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