Chapter 6

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My head began to get foggy as an odd happiness settled down on my head. The land of the bebops seemed to ripple around me. A minute later, I found myself following the bebop. I couldn't tell which one I was following - my vision had become very blurry all the sudden. 

A sweet perfume filled the air and I inhaled it, and then almost choked it out. I was unaccustomed to it because it was a far better smell than the ones on earth. I took another deep breath in, and I gulped on the air. I couldn't quite place it's smell, though. Not that it mattered, just as long as it was there.

Where are you? Blue asked.

I had almost forgotten about Blue! Wait - blue the persyn or the color? There was no such thing as Blue the persyn! My mind began to spin around, and I vaguely felt myself fall down onto the ground. The grass in this paradise land smelled so sweet... so refreshing... I rolled over onto my back, and stared up at the bluish-pink sky. My eyes began to swim again and my vision rippled. What was the color blue and pink anyway?

I kicked myself, mad that I couldn't remember things. But I remembered one thing, I hated Layla! Layla? Who was Layla? Layla sounded what you would name a tongue.

Layla. Layla. Layla.

I tried saying the name 10 times very quickly. Layla. Layla. Layla. Layla. Layla. Layla. Layla. Layla. Layla. Layla. Talk about a tongue twister.

"Layla the leopard licks large lollipops with a lyrical, lucky, loud lady named Lizzy the Lizard," I said aloud. That was a tongue twister.

"Want a lollipop?" asked one of the bebops.

"Sure," I said, "Layla the leopard makes me want to lick large lollipops. With a lyrical, loud, lady. I'm seriously craving lollipops right now. In fact, I'm craving anything. Even Brussel sprouts and medicine," I made a gagging sound, "Yuck. Medicine. Well, for some reason, I think it'll taste good here. Almost anything would taste good here. Even the grass."

I ate some of the grass. It tasted like candy.

"Delicious," I announced, and began to eat all of the grass. "Wonder if boulders would taste good." I began to chip off chunks of the boulder to eat while the bebop disappeared to grab a lollipop for me. I turned back, wondering how the beebop did it. Maybe I could try. I wanted to go up onto the top of the hill and see the great view. I closed my eyes. When I opened them, I was on top of the hill. I wanted to go back to where I was eating those yummy boulders. That way the beebop could find me.

I teleported there and found myself back in the boulder place, the beebop standing next to me. The beebop gave me the lollipop. It looked slightly purple and yellow, which was a weird mix for a lollipop, but I licked it happily. Then, I blacked out.

When I woke up, I found myself in a bright room.

"Where am I?" I asked.

"In a rocket ship," a girl replied. She had curly black hair and very white teeth. 

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Layla," the girl replied. "Look, Lilly. I'm really sorry. You know how I was mean to you awhile ago? That was because my dog died. When we had time to communicate with out parents - when the signal's better, my parents told me our dog, Cobie, died. I got really sad, so I let my anger out on you. I'm sorry. I still do think you shouldn't've gone to bed to class, but I'm sorry I got so mad at you."

"Who's Lilly?" I asked, "And you were never mean to me. I've never seen you before!"

Layla looked at me and gasped, "She really has lost her memory then! I thought that what the doctors said wasn't true!"

"I haven't lost my memory," I said.

"Yes, you have," Layla insisted. "You would've remembered me if you still were remembering things."

"Try me," I replied.

 "What's your bunny's name?" Layla asked.

"Bobtail?" I asked.

"No, Crystal," Layla corrected.

"You're just making that up!" I accused. "I don't even have a bunny!"

"Then what do you have?" Layla asked.

I thought about this question for awhile. While pondering, I chewed on my lip.

"I don't know," I admitted sheepishly, "Maybe I do have amnesia."

"See?" Layla replied triumphantly. "You lost your memory."

"But how?" I asked, "And when will it come back?"

"I'm going to call the doctor in," Layla replied, arousing from her seat as she pushed one of her dreadlocks from her face. 

"Okay," I replied, "Wait - how can I trust you?"

"Just trust me," Layla looked right in my eyes, "I know this is hard for you. But trust that I'm not trying to hurt you. Please."

I looked right back in her eyes, and then turned away. "Yes," I replied.

When Layla came back from retrieving the doctor,  I wasn't entirely sure that trusting Layla was the right thing. I was told to drink something a weird fizzy green drink and then go to bed. Once I would wake up, the memories were supposed to come back.

I wasn't sure that drinking from the bottle was the right move. What if it contained poison? Though the doctor urged me to drink, I just sat up in the white bed, me hand gripping the bottle so tightly that my knuckles turn white.

Eventually, I decided that if I was going to get my memories back, then I might as well drink from the bottle. It could be well worth the risk.

I chugged the liquid inside the bottle and then set it down. I fell into a dreamless sleep.

When I woke up, I remembered everything. The breakup with Layla, the beebop land, and then going to Mars. 

The doctor was hovering over me.

"How did I get into this state?" I asked.

"The land you were in - you must've took some kind of portal to get there, because I don't know any other way to access that land - transported you to a land that would make you want to stay there forever. The creatures there might've looked nice, but they're evil tricksters. They made you loose your memory by giving you food so that you would forget about your troubles and feel like you have a place there," the doctor explained. 

"How do you know this?" I asked.

"I - I'm not sure," the doctor replied. "Me and the rest of the rocket ship knew that you were missing, and then somehow we just knew you were in that other land. Then we were trying to search for you, when we stumbled across the portal, found you lying in that land, and then rescued you and found another portal to go back where you were."

I did it. I created the portal and then planted that true information in their minds. Blue said. 

Thank you, Blue. I don't know what I would do without you.

"Huh," I said aloud, pretending to be confuzzled by the doctor's news. "That's so interesting. I wonder how that happened. Can I leave the bed now?"

"Yes," the doctor replied. 

So, I got up from the bed, made my way to the door, and hurried to Layla so I could tell her about Blue and Lountintey. 

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