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Hi, readers! I'm partner writing this book with @QueeSwirly. Here's the prologue!

"Moving to Mars," was the thing that I heard my parents say one night.

I remembered that night. The 6th of September 2082.

After those words, my life had changed completely. The tables had turned. My life was never the same again. I wish that I hadn't been spying on my parents that night. I think that I could've spent a couple more days happier before I plunged into depression.

But no, that night I had a glass champaign glass to my ear. The glass was touching the door. I heard that it helped you spy better. When I heard those words, at first, I was overcome by adventure. I felt like a book character. Then, I suddenly felt the feeling of dread.


How could I leave it? Wouldn't that be cruel to earth, living in it for 12 years and then deserting it?

Well, earth didn't have any feelings. Still, I could die on Mars. I grabbed my phone and began to search something on the internet.

Is it safe to live on Mars?

According to the internet, it was safe to live in Mars. But then another question popped into my head. I searched the internet for the answer. I finally found a good article and then began to read it.

Global warming is a huge problem in our society. Unfortunately, it is too late to stop it. Trees have become very scarce, and as little as 18,000 might still be alive on earth.

Unfortunately, trees provide human's air, and without trees, it's hard to breath. Plans of evacuation have been planned out by WSO (World Space Organization). The WSO confirmed that the red planet (Mars), is indeed safe to live on, and plants such as peas, spinach, corn, broccoli, and watermelon can be grown on Mars.

So, why can't we just all evacuate right now? Unfortunately, earth only has 10 rockets that hold and average of 100 people. And there are 10 billion people living on earth now! If you do the math, only 1,000 people can leave earth. That might seem like a lot, until you look at the numbers. If only 1,000 people can fit on those rockets and there are 10 billion people on earth, that means that only 0.00001% can go to Mars.

So, who's going? People have decided that kids should go. That way, kids can have babies on the red planet. Also, scientists can go to, to make observations as well as supervise the kids. Parents can apply their kids at

Kids will take a test that is taken online. The test will be compared to everyone else's test, so if your kid gets back a grade B, don't fret. If most kids get a C, then your kid will most likely be admitted. If you plan to take the test, then don't tell your kid it's a test to go to Mars. They might fret and not do as well as they could. We want to know the full potential of all of the kids we're choosing. We'll need 50 scientists, also. That means that we'll need 950 kids out of the (around!) 2 billion kids on earth. If you want to apply as a scientist, submit your resume at

Remember: Entries are due on December 22nd, 2081

I reread the article. Then, I remembered the IQ test that my parents had me get last month. This month was January. The IQ test wasn't an IQ test. It was to go to Mars!

And I knew, even though I hadn't been on it yet, that big adventure was waiting for me.

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