Chapter 5

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I cried.

I couldn't help it. I was scared. I missed my family. Layla. And worst of all, I felt like I didn't trust anyone anymore. My parents had lied to me about the IQ test. I thought Layla was my friend, but she wasn't. Lountintey was supposed to be nice... but I wasn't quite sure if he was good or evil. Same with Blue.

"She's stupid," said Lountintey. "If she was at least half as smart as you, Blue, she would've realized that something was off. Idiot."

Suddenly, something snapped.

"I would rather not have you rate my intelligence, thanks a lot!" I said, "And I rather not have to make stupid remarks that are made just in insult me. Don't tell me what's beyond my thinking range and what's not! All I need is you - and Blue - to make my life more complicated. I've lost my family. My friend. My planet. And there you, Blue, start blabbering that I need to save you! And then you, Lountintey, start saying that you're Blue, but you're also Lountintey. Lountintey, you're making life so much more complicated! Like whoever heard of their name being Lountintey super focus or whatever your name is! I'm going to help none of you. Not even if you're stuck in a bottomless pit. In fact, I'd be glad if you were stuck, at least my life would be less complicated."

"Wait!" shouted Lountintey, "Please understand!"

"Yeah!" Blue added, clearly trying to help but failing terribly. "Um... Please?"

"At least you two are now agreeing with each other," I said, "I'm going to


Then, I jumped into the black hole. Suddenly, I felt myself spinning.

Uh, oh. Was the black hole a real hole? It couldn't be. Black holes couldn't be on moons!







Suddenly, I stopped spinning. I opened my eyes.

I was on earth! There was grass, hills, and a tree...

Except the tree had eyes. Cute little eyes that people drew of bowls of soup with chopsticks sticking out of them.

 Cute little eyes that people drew of bowls of soup with chopsticks sticking out of them

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And then, I saw that in front of me, there was a tiny creature that looked pretty cute.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"Beboop," said the creature.

This creature made no sense at all. At least it made more sense then Lountintey. I rather would have to try to speak to someone who couldn't speak my language, rather than something that wouldn't even tell me it's name without confusing me.

"I'm lonely," I complained.

"Well, I know a way to cheer you up!" said one of the Bebops.

"You can talk!" I exclaimed, "And you make sense?"

The Bebop cocked their head. "And why wouldn't I make sense?"

"Long story," I said, "But what's your name?"

"I already told you," the bebop said, "I'm Beboop."

"I'm Boop," said the yellow bebop. "We were just talking to each other in our language. That's probably why you didn't understand us."

"Oh," I said.

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