It was obvious that the friends were not on the same page. As Javan and Mia were looking to welcome a new friend, Seige was what?

And hearing those words, a lot of emotions ran through me. Most of the time spent with my parents. Just to hear someone say what I knew and felt, but could never say, was oddly angering.

"Get out..." I told them calmly as my gaze was tightly held by Sieges.

"Wait a minute. Siege is just a little bit sensitive, with a lot of anger inside. Please, we need to talk to you." Javan called out to me, looking at me pleadingly.

"I'm not allowed to have visitors in the house," I told them with a small smile. My heart was beating slowly, a hollow feeling left inside.

"Okay, maybe we can talk later? When everybody's calm?" Mia questioned hopefully.

"Tomorrow, I need to get back to my party." I nodded at them as I pulled myself up and gestured to the back door where the party was hosted.

"Thank you." Mia said with a smile as she and Javan got up.

When we were walking back out to the party, Siege and Javan walked steps beyond Mia and me I. Far enough that their words were mumbles.

"Hey, don't take this personally but your parents, well, your whole bloodline, is known notoriously in our world as very...dangerous people. They've done some shit in their day. Seige is just a product of some of that." Mia spoke to me slowly with a reassuring smile. I nodded at her and took in a breath.

"You speak to me as if I'm new to my own family." I told her with a laugh.

"Aren't you? It seems to us that they haven't informed you of anything." Mia replied, she looked at me in question.

"I guess so. What did my parents do to Siege's family?" I questioned Mia back. I at least needed to know why he was acting the way he was.

"He's never spoken about it. It's hard to guess with him, he's shut tightly with that stuff. Besides, it's not my story to tell." Mia told me as she looked ahead at the two boys.

"Mia, um, I don't know why you guys came but I'm not what you think I am...I was born without any abilities. If this is you guys trying to get me in your world, it wouldn't want me. I'm practically human. Quite frankly, I don't want part of it either." I explained to Mia as we neared the back door. It was my goodbye speech, I kinda wanted to bid farewell to the three and try forgetting the cruel reminder of what has been keeping me from being truly happy for the past seventeen years of my life.


"When we pop by tomorrow, we'll explain what we know. I promise it will be worth your time." Mia told me as we stopped at the back door. I could see the party through the sliding doors. Javan and Seige were already on the other side.

I gave Mia a look of concern as I raised my eyebrow at her.

"I promise we'll talk to Siege." Mia told me with a reassuring smile.

"Mia, why do you have to make this awkward for me? Get the hint, I'm happy with my life as a 'sorta human'. I'm not some naive girl who needs saving." I stated as I dropped my touchy-feely act. It was hard to keep up sometimes.

Mia raised her eyebrows at me and smiled at me.

"Okay, not gonna happen. You need to know your potential. Your family isn't doing you any favours." Mia protested against me.

"No means no, Mia. Do you want me to blow my whistle? I don't negotiate with terrorists. Do you want me to fight you?" I let out as I gave her a look to challenge her. I was quite a height taller than her.

She simply let her eyes glow a red and gave me a smile that showed her fangs.

"Okay, first of all...fuck you. Secondly, you win. Lastly, fuck you." I told as I gave her a pout at her antics. I gave her a sneer as she made her way to slide open the doors.

"Oh, come on! Soon you'll be able to wordlessly threaten people too." She told me with the outermost enthusiasms as she opens the door.

"Whatever." I mumbled in return as I followed her out. I could see Jess in the distance patiently waiting for me to rush over to her and spill the beans.

I had no idea what information they had about me that could prove that I had abilities. Was it bad for me to be curious? I simply knew it was impossible.


She's met them. But has she met the intent?

I'm not making sense. I love doing that!

Vote. Comment.

Lots of LOVE.


Love Torment Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant