Chapter 1 - Fanfiction

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Timeline notes: This story takes place soon after the end of season one but this is an AU in which the door to the human realm wasn't destroyed and the Clawthornes still have magic, just less powerful. Also, coming back about a year later to let y'all know that this story was written before the Blight parents were introduced in canon so they're very out of character (I'm so sorry Alador)

Important~ While Luz is bilingual and is seen speaking both Spanish and English in the show and in this fic, I am not bilingual. My main language is English. I did my best to find the most accurate translations and usage but I can't promise that anything is correct. Please comment if you find anything that's wrong with my translations and how I can fix them. Happy reading!

The dim glow of Luz's phone shone in her face, lighting up the blankets that she was buried under. She swiped to the next chapter and stuck her head outside the blankets to get some cool air in her lungs while she waited for the 15-second ad. When she heard the anti-vape ad close, she squealed and buried her head under the covers again. "O Wattpad, glorious bringer of fanfictions, please let this be fluff and not angst!" Luz whispered to her phone with a wide grin on her face as she started to read the final chapter of the Good Witch Azura fanfic she was reading, in which Azura and Hecate discover that they're soulmates. A few minutes later, Luz turned off her phone and held it to her chest, popping her head above the blankets once more for some fresh air. "Rivals to lovers AND a soulmate AU?! Fanfic writers get me." 

"Vete a dormir, you have an exam tomorrow, mija," a voice called through the door.

"Okay, okay. Goodnight, te quiero, mami!" Luz replied sheepishly. The girl set up her phone on the charger on her nightstand and closed her eyes, dreaming of romance plots and soulmates.

~ One year later ~

"Come on, work this time," Luz muttered as she hurriedly tapped her phone, eyeing the portal to her side. She was sitting on the couch, a small furry demon curled up in her lap snoring as he waited for his turn with her phone. "Yes!" She exclaimed, seeing that her download had finally finished. 

"What are you trying to do, anyway?" King asked, climbing up her side to rest in her hood and look over her shoulder. 

"I'm trying to download some fanfics while I still have wifi," Luz explained as she clicked on a sickfic and downloaded it. "Once this download finishes, the phone is all yours. Just don't spend all day reading conspiracy theories again, you little cutie." Luz picked up King and set him down on the couch before handing him the phone and walking out of the room to help Eda sort through the human trash.

"Find anything good today, Owl Lady?"

"Ah, perfect timing, kid! Have you ever seen such an extravagant bracelet?!" Eda exclaimed, showing off a 12-pack soda ring hanging off her wrist. Luz thought about correcting her before deciding that it wasn't worth it. 

"Sister, why do you insist on digging through human trash like some sort of feral garbage creature?" A voice asked from behind the two. Luz turned and met the heterochromatic eyes of her mentor's sister. The woman wore a Bad-Girl-Coven T-shirt and some old sweats the color of the grey streak in her hair. She looked tired. Eda snorted.

"You might as well get in on this, Lilly, since you're gonna be living with us now. Come on, pick out some trash."

"You can have my trash pile, Miss Lilith. I have a friend coming over anyways." Luz chirped, sliding a pile of trash towards Lilith. As if on cue, Hooty slid into the room.

"LUZ, THAT RUDE GIRL IS HERE," the bird-tube sang, pressing up against her face.

"Hooty, we've talked about this! No touching," Luz said, pushing away the nightmarish creature before running towards the door. 

"Friend!" She shouted as she threw open the door, rushing the guest with a tight hug, careful to mind her injured leg.

"H-Hi, Luz," the green-haired girl stuttered, trying to regain her balance from the sudden embrace. As they parted, Luz noticed that Amity's face glowed red but attributed it to the heat.

"Eda's digging through her garbage pile but we can hang out in my room," the short-haired girl explained as she led Amity into the house. They paused in the living room for a moment so Luz could make sure King wasn't doing anything stupid with her phone and close the door to the human-realm. As she clicked the button and watched the door fold up, she heard a voice behind her.

"Oh! Uh, miss Blight! What- what are you doing here?" Lilith asked, her face showing shock and embarrassment.

"Amity just finished The Good Witch Azura six so she came over so we could talk about it!" Luz explained.

"Uh, yeah. Miss Lilith, what are you doing here?" Amity asked, looking just as shocked as her ex-mentor.

"Just call me Lilith, I'm no longer your mentor. I'm ah," she glanced down at her clothes and her face shone a bright red. "I'm staying here for a while. I'm sure you've heard about the incident with the emperor..." The older Clawthorne trailed off.

"Right, right. Well, it was nice seeing you Mi- Lilith." Amity shuffled on her crutches.

"Wow, that was awkward," Luz commentated, making the room even more uncomfortable.

"I should go help Edalyn before she hurts herself in that trash pile." Lilith shuffled off to the next room over, muttering something under her breath about her shirt and her former student.

"Sorry about that, Luz. I'm still just so lost on where to stand with the emperor's coven ever since that... incident." Luz nodded. She understood how difficult it must've been for someone who idolized Emperor Belos so much to see how he treated their friend's family. She knew that Amity had always admired the emperor's coven and that she one day aspired to join them. She tried to think of something to say to comfort or bring some peace-of-mind to Amity, but no words formed.

"Come on, let's head upstairs," Amity said, breaking the silence. She didn't mean to make Luz feel bad, especially since she had almost lost everything just a few days before.

"I can carry you if you want. Those stairs aren't the best for crutches."

"No, you really don't have to-"

"Too late!" Luz swiftly picked up the girl with a "Scoop!" and dashed up the stairs.

"Luz!! Slow down!" Amity pleaded, wrapping her arms around her and burying her face into her neck. She hated it when Luz did that; picked her up all adorably and made her all flustered. Sometimes it almost seemed deliberate, as if she was trying to make Amity even gayer somehow. By the time they reached Luz's room, they were both laughing. Luz set her down and beamed. 

"See, I told you I wouldn't drop you." Amity felt the warmth in her cheeks and ears and had to put conscious effort into calming down her blush.

"Okay, so who do you like?"

Just in time for her face to cool down, it immediately turned a dark shade of red again. "Wh-What?"

"Azura six," the brunette stated. "Who did you like best out of those two mysterious soothsayers? I mean honestly, I still can't tell who is evil and who's good! I really like Malengale though, but his sister, Dhecaco, is so intriguing!" 

Amity let out a breath of relief. "Oh, right. I think I really like Dhecaco the best! I mean, she trained under Hecate but something about the way she talks makes me think she can be trusted."

"True, true. I just can't pick, I love them both! There's just something so fascinating about dark and mysterious characters like that. Oh! And the way that Hecate hesitated during their fight!"

"I know! It was so good and I actually squealed out loud. Em and Ed teased me for the rest of the day after that."

"I just read this really good fanfiction about Hecate and Azura, actually! It was a soulmate AU, too. Man, I wish soulmates were real," Luz sighed dreamily, imaging a red string of fate on her pinky.

"What do you mean? Do you not know about soulmates in the human realm?" Amity questioned, tilting her head confusedly.

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