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"WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!" Mimi shouted at Mr.L.

"ME?! He's the one-"

"No! You listen to me, L!" Blumiere exclaimed.

He marched over to Mr.L and towered over him. Blumiere picked him up by the collar.

"Listen to ME, Mr.L!" Blumiere shouted, "Dimentio has done nothing but try and better himself for YOU! The reason he came back to get the Dark Prognosticus was to find YOU! He ran away that one night to search for YOU! HE WANTED A PERFECT WORLD BUT COULDN'T HAVE IT WITHOUT YOU!!! I hope you're happy!"

He dropped Mr.L onto the floor. Mr.L's eyes narrowed in thought.

"Did he really do all of those things for me?" Mr.L asked.

"Ever since we brought him back with us, he's wanted to see you. That was one of the main reasons we invited you over." Timpani explained.

Mr.L buried his face in his hands.

"Uh, are you okay, Mr.L?" Nastasia asked.

"No! I thought that HE was the monster when it's actually ME!" Mr.L shouted in-between sobs, "I'm the one who's been pushing him away! He probably wouldn't even BE in this mess if I just told him..."

"Told him what?" Mimi asked.

Mr.L's face turned red.

"Th-that doesn't matter right now!" Mr.L stammered, "We need to find Dim!"

"Well, where could he have gone?" Nastasia asked.

They all stood around in silence until Blumiere gasped.

"The Heart Tower!" Blumiere exclaimed.


Dimentio grumbled as he began arranging things around the center podium at the Heart Tower's top floor. He had both the Dark and Light Prognosticus open and in front of him and the staff laid out on the pillar. He snapped his fingers, trying to get the books to float.

"Stupid restraints. Won't let me use my magic, hmph!" Dimentio harumphed.

Dimentio instead began to arrange them all by hand, occasionally fumbling them. After a few moments of this, he had finally set up the two books and had the staff floating in front of him. He grabbed ahold of the stick and held it over the two books.

Before he could do anything else, the doors burst open.

"Dimentio! There you are!" Timpani said with a sigh of relief.

"Dimentio! Stop whatever it is you're doing!" Blumiere exclaimed.

The small jester turned to face them with a frown on his face.

"Go away!" Dimentio shouted at them.

"Yeah, no way!" Nastasia replied.

"We ain't leavin' without ya, lil' lad!" O'Chunks added.

Mimi elbowed Mr.L in the side.

"Say something to him to calm him down!" Mimi hissed.

"What do you want ME to do?!" Mr.L retorted.

Nastasia sighed.

"Mr.L wants to apologize to you!" Nastasia called out to Dimentio.

"WHAT?!" Mr.L exclaimed.

Dimentio sniffled as tears threatened to spill from his eyes.

"You do..?" Dimentio murmured.

Mr.L stood flabbergasted. Timpani decided to play along, realizing that Mr.L was probably the only person that would be able to get Dimentio to stop.

"Yeah! Tell him, L~!" Timpani said, elbowing Mr.L a little harder than Mimi did.

"Ow! Okay, okay!" Mr.L replied.

He turned to look at Dimentio and let out a sigh.

"...I'm sorry." Mr.L stated.

"Really?" Dimentio asked, a smile creeping onto his face.

Mr.L nodded. Dimentio wiped some tears from his eyes.

"And d-do you forgive me?" Dimentio asked, hope evident in his voice.

Mr.L froze in place.

"Uhhhhhh..." Mr.L trailed off.

"What are you waiting for?! Say you forgive him!" Mimi shouted at him.

"I'm not going to sugar coat it! I honestly do not forgive him for what he did!" Mr.L stated.

Dimentio's smile turned back into a frown.

"SERIOUSLY, MR.L?! Now is not the time for brutal honesty!" Nastasia exclaimed.

"Oh, please!" Mr.L scoffed, "How many of you, except Timpani and Blumiere, actually forgive him?"

No one said a word as they exchanged nervous glances.

"Yeah, that's what I thought!" Mr.L muttered, crossing his arms.

"Y-you all really don't trust me..?" Dimentio squeaked.

No one moved.

"F-FINE! Then you'll all have no problem with me doing this!" Dimentio shouted.

He turned back around, flipped open the two books in front of him, and began to wave the staff over them, causing the dark aura from the staff to glow brighter. All of them stood frozen in shock.

"What is he doing?!" Mimi shouted.

"I-I don't know!" Timpani replied.

Dimentio continued to wave the staff over the books and a rift began to open up below him.

"I thought that you said he couldn't teleport anymore?!" Nastasia exclaimed.

"He can't! The only way for him to use a portal like that is if..." Blumiere trailed off.

"If?" O'Chunks questioned.

"Is if he's trying to banish himself!" Blumiere finished.

"What?! We can't let him do that!" Mr.L exclaimed, "I can't let him do that!"

The portal was fully opened. Dimentio turned to face them again.

"It was nice seeing you again," Dimentio muttered.

"NO!" Mr.L shouted.

Mr.L ran up and dived at the small jester.

"Mr.L! Dimentio!" Timpani exclaimed.

Mr.L rammed into Dimentio and the staff went flying.

"WHAT DID YOU DO, L?!" Dimentio screamed.

The rift closed and Mr.L and Dimentio were gone. The staff flew through the air and the gem shattered on the floor. Black ink-like matter oozed onto the floor from the cracked gemstone.

"Oh... no..." Timpani murmured.

The group started to back up as the blackness began to take shape. The matter grew in size until it took on a familiar form.

"SUPER DIMENTIO!" Mimi screamed.

Dimentio And The Clash of Dimensions (DimentioXMr.L) [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now