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Timpani called Mimi, Nastasia, and O'Chunks over a few moments later. They arrived relatively quickly considering the distance between Flipside and Flopside. Everyone was gathered around Timpani, well... mostly. Mr.L was constantly moving around, trying to get away from the small Dimentio.

Timpani sighed.

"Dimentio, just go draw in your book. Stop bothering Mr.L!" Timpani exclaimed.

"Awww! But I wanna play with L!" Dimentio whined.

"Dimentio," Timpani said in a warning tone.

He gave a harumph and pulled out the Dark Prognosticus. Dimentio floated off to the side.

"Is it safe to give him that?!" Mr.L asked.

"It is perfectly safe. He's learned to do better." Timpani replied.

Mimi stepped up.

"Okay. You mean to tell me that Dimentio has turned into a BABY?!" Mimi shouted, pointing at him scribbling in the Dark Prognosticus's empty pages.

"I think he's more of a toddler..." Nastasia commented.

Timpani chuckled.

"In a sense, yes." She replied.

Mr.L crossed his arms.

"Baby, toddler, teenager, adult, WHATEVER! I don't trust him!" Mr.L exclaimed.

"Now lad, why not give the lil' lad another chance?" O'Chunks said.

"ANOTHER CHANCE?! Are we talking about the same evil jester here?! He tried to kill EVERYONE!" Mr.L shouted.

"Yeah, but he's just a kid now," Nastasia said.

Mimi walked over to Dimentio.

"Besides! He's kinda cute this way!" Mimi exclaimed.

She poked at him only to get swatted at. Mr.L growled at him.

"How did this even happen?" Nastasia asked Timpani.

"It would be best to show you at the Heart Tower," Timpani said.

"AWWWW! But that's, like, 50 miles away!" Mimi whined, "And I don't wanna walk!"

"Pretty sure we would have to walk, Mimi." Mr.L said.

Dimentio floated up to them.

"I can help, L! I can just teleport you all!" Dimentio exclaimed.

"Yeah, no thanks." Mr.L muttered.

"ANYTHING is better than walking!" Mimi exclaimed.

"Sure, why not?" Nastasia said.

Dimentio giggled.

"Here we go!" He exclaimed.

Dimentio snapped his tiny fingers and black outlines appeared around all of them. He snapped his fingers again and they were all flipped to outside the Heart Tower. They looked up at the massive structure.

"Whoa..." They all murmured.

Mimi looked around.

"Hey... Where's Dimentio?" Mimi asked.

They looked backward and saw that Dimentio didn't flip with them.

"What happened?" O'Chunks asked.

"Dimentio is still at Flipside!" Timpani exclaimed.

"Good riddance." Mr.L said.

Mimi punched him in the arm.

"Let's go check it out," Nastasia said.

Dimentio And The Clash of Dimensions (DimentioXMr.L) [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now