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Johanna's pov:
Not long after they promised me that they will keep me safe from now on, dad along with our uncles, Demi and Felix reappeared.
„Come here bambini!" Dad says with wide open arms, where I without hesitation walk right into. Loving to be close to our dad.
„How was your guys talk darling?" Caius asks me softly as he caresses my back as dad still holds me close in his arms.
„It was good. At least I think it was." I quietly reply not sure how my mates may think about our very first talk together. Maybe they dislike me already or find me weird for being so close with my siblings and family in general.
„It truly was amazing to talk to you sweetheart. My brother and I absolutely loved every second of it!" Jasper states, making me feel better and less insecure right away. At least I now know that they enjoyed our time together just like I did.
„I am happy that your first talk with your mates went fine little one." Marcus says as he takes a stand on dads other side as he smiles softly towards me. Like I already said a few times already, our family is really tight knitted.
„How long are your guests going to stay along with us master?" Heidi questions my dad as she looks at my mates with untrusting eyes. Heidi really is a sweet and lovable girl that only ever wants to protect everyone around her and specifically her closer friends and family. At first I thought she might be one of those girls that only care for beauty and how she might get seen from everyone, but after getting to know her better. We hit it off right away. I even apologized to her for misjudging her which she thankfully accepted. Ever since then, she along with Demi and Felix are my additional family. Which I absolutely love! They are my absolute favorite people apart from my siblings and dad. Those three simply accepted my siblings and I just the way we are as well as welcomed us without any question.
„We sadly won't be able to stay at all. As we have already talked about, we need to go back to Forks to fight off the army who is currently heading our way." Carlisle answers and breaks my heart within that two sentences. Does that mean that my mates are already leaving me? Would they really do that to me? After only meeting each other?
„Princess, please don't look like that." Emmet begs with a strained voice. Still my brain keeps on running full force on how they are going to neglect me. Maybe even reject me now as well.
„Sweetheart, hey. Please don't think so badly about yourself and us." Jasper says while I only cuddle myself even tighter into dads chest for comfort. Not ready to see them, not now after knowing that they will leave me already.
„You are fine bambini." dad whispers against my head and kisses my head a few times before waving my siblings over to us.
„Could the five of you walk my bambini to her room?" dad questions softly to which a few growls where heard.
„And please stay with her as well. I am sure my darling doesn't want to be alone right about now." Caius adds sternly and with a growl himself. The soft kiss on my forehead thought assured me that he isn't mad at me or my siblings. With that in mind I could breath slightly easier even thought my heart arches extremely painful. Never would I of thought that my own mates would leave me so soon after meeting me.
„Come here baby sister." Alec says with sadness as he softly picks me up into his arms to carry me. When I look for Janie, I see her glaring heatedly at my mates, which I absolutely understand. Those two have been trying to protect me from any hurt throughout my whole life and existence. They also surely know how much it will hurt me to loose my own mates. And for what? I don't even know!
„Wait! Please let us talk! It's not as if we have a choice in staying. Nor do we want to leave our wonderful mate behind!" the both of them shout out in panic. It's not as if I don't understand that they need to go to fight of the threat to their family. I would do the same for my family! But they simply would of left without even saying anything about it to me! Would it of been too much to ask of them to tell me about the fact that they need to go so soon again? Aren't mates supposed to be truthful with each other and tell them everything?
„If you know what's good for you, you better fucking stay away from my little one!" Demi growls out threateningly and stands himself in front of Alec and I. Hearing some more, way louder growls make me shake slightly in fear that a fight will break out now between my family and my mates where someone might get hurt because of me. That's not as finding your mate is supposed to happen!
„Shh, you are fine." Alec says and cuddles me even tighter into his chest.
„Emmet stop it!" Jasper sternly tells him and the growling right away stopped.
„They are taking away our mate! What do you expect me to do? Wave in goodbye?" Emmet wants to know in disbelief. Not wanting to see or hear any more of that, I hide my head under Alec's chin. Something I have been doing rather often and also makes sure nearly no one would see my face now. Which definitely is a huge plus in my books!
„No! But I don't want our mate to fear us which she does right about now! So shut up and let her family help her calm down and feel better again." he says pretty sharp and no room of arguing.
„She is hurt! Of course she is! We only just met and we already talk about leaving again. So calm yourself so we might at least get the chance to explain ourselves to our mate and not make her hate us forever!" Jasper adds after a deep breath and slightly calmer than before. That perks my interest a bit, still I stay just as I have been. Not wanting to give off any false sign or anything like that.
„I never meant to frighten you princess." Emmet apologizes with realization in his words to hear. Guess he truly wasn't thinking that their behavior is hurting me like that.
„I swear that was never my intention." he adds with hurt.
„Still you did! Both of you did!" Felix states matter of factly. It's cruel for him to say that, but it after all is the truth.
„Do you want to go to your room now Joi? Or do you want to talk with them? We after all don't know when or if you will see them again." Janie asks me with hesitant eyes. A look that is extremely rare on her face and one that i hate to see on her.
„I won't see them again?" I ask in devastation. Does that mean they really are leaving and never come back? Or does she mean that they might die during their fight against this Viktoria and her newborn army?
„Of Course you will see us again sweetheart! Don't think that we will ever leave you like that. We also will fight tooth and nail to get through the attack unharmed. After all we finally have a very good reason to stay alive now that we found you sweetheart!" Jasper tells me honestly which soothes my worry at least a little bit.
„Can we Please talk with you princess? Just to explain why we need to go now instead of staying with you to get to know you better like we would definitely prefer." Emmet asks me hopefully. Not sure what I should be doing, I look at my siblings in hope that they will be able to help me decide. They however only smile at me without any help. Seems as if they want me to decide on my own, which is understandable I guess. Sighing softly before nodding my head slightly. I should talk with my mates. We after all are destined to be together for eternity, so I at least need to give them a chance to explain everything to me before deciding what I will do in the future.
„Ok, but we will be staying this time!" Heidi says with her eyes pulled into slits in distaste for them hurting me already.
„That's completely fine with us. We only want to talk with our mate and hopefully clear every misunderstanding up for her." Jasper says with relief that I agreed on talking with them again. Alec, the sweet brother that he is, takes a seat on our terrace with me still on his lap. Janie and Demi quickly take a seat next to us so no one else will be able to take that spot so close to me. What did surprise me thought, is that my mates simply sit themselves in front of alec and I on the ground. Jasper slowly lifts his arm up towards me, giving me time to decide on pulling my arm back or not. Since i didn't move away, he softly takes my hand in his as a wide and thankful smile overtake his lips in joy that i allowed him to hold my hand.
„I know that we hurt you with the fact that we need to go back to Forks again. Especially after just meeting you sweetheart, but we need to go back and help protect our family back there. I am sure you understand that we need to be there for our family." he softly explains while his thumb caresses the back of my hand softly.
„I also hope that you can forgive us for leaving so soon after meeting you. It's very hard for us as well to go when we simply want to stay with you, get to know you better and simply spend more quality time with you." Emmet says with a sad frown. Since I however don't want him to be sad again, I reach my second hand out towards him which he happily takes right away.When they do explain their point of few, I do have to say that it sounds logic that they are leaving already. Family after all is very important for every vampire. Still there is this nagging voice in the back of my mind that makes me think that they already had enough of me and that this is the real reason behind them leaving.
„You don't leave because you don't want me?" I quietly ask since that is my biggest fear. Alec right away tightens his hold on me to reassure me that he is there for me as well as that I am not alone.
„Why would you even think that princess?" Emmet asks me shocked and with tears standing in his eyes while Jasper only shakes his head vehemently.
„Believe me sweetheart, we definitely want you! And if there wouldn't be a threat out there to our family we would never ever leave you! That's an absolute no go! You need to believe me on that sweetheart." he strictly yet softly tells me making my eyes sting with tears in utter relief that they really don't just use that threat as an excuse to leave me.
„Jasper is telling you the truth princess! We would be thrilled if we could stay here with you and spend time with you! You are Our mate! Our other half and absolutely everything! Don't ever forget that." Emmet truthfully tells me making me choke up slightly. complete overwhelmed with all the emotions swimming within my body.
„So you will be coming back?" I ask them after some time of taking deep breaths to get myself in check again. This question is after all the most important at the moment.
„Of Course!" they right away reply at the same time which definitely helps me believe them more.
„Why don't you two stay till tomorrow? That way you could talk some more with my bambini, strengthen your bond with her to make her feel more sure about it. And we will send, as already promised, some guards along with Carlisle and Edward back to Forks?" Dad questions after watching the whole interaction between my mates and I. They seem pretty surprised at my dads offer but than right away agree while thanking him over and over again.
Not long after the agreement Carlisle along with Edward and some guards left. Sadly Demi and Felix were some of them which will obviously make me worry for their safety as well as make me miss them again like crazy. I after all just got them back today!

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