#9. Major Help

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???: Congratulations for finishing the second trial Y/N. Now Let's Begin the third.

What in the fresh hell?

Who was this? Trials? How did they get your number?- Oh right.

G.I.F.T, JYP probably gave it to them.


Didn't they say that you would get a day off?

Ah whatever.

Y/N: alright what's the 3rd trial?

???: you'll find out tomorrow, prepare your body, get a good night's rest, and eat well. You'll need all the strength you can get.

Ok so now you don't get a day off AND they're gonna fuck you up tomorrow?

Stupid. Stupid training, stupid G.I.F.Ts, stupid JYP.

What did G.I.F.T stand for anyway? And how in the world do they expect you to get a 'good night's rest' after that ominous ass message?

"*sigh* alright, guess it's time to sleep. Goodnight world" you say, feeling frustrated, upset, and if you were being honest with yourself, a little bit lonely.

Maybe you could reply to Chaeyoung, or talk to Mina or Dahyun for a bit if they're not busy.

...Nah you wouldn't want to be a bother. They should focus on their tour.

[The next day, G.I.F.T training facilities]

You stepped out of your personal driver's car after driving for around maybe 45 minutes, you didn't know, you didn't check.

You never really bothered to pay attention during the car ride, the driver didn't really talk, and you didn't feel like starting a conversation so you mostly just stayed silent, thinking.

Usually it was meaningless thoughts like 'Who am I? What should I do? What do I want to do with life? Where the fuck do my socks go when I do laundry?' You know, meaningless thoughts.


But anyways, arriving at the destination, you spot the facility/ gym itself, which wasn't really all that impressive on the outside.

A square-ish building made of plain, red brick up top did a good job at hiding and guarding what you knew to be underneath.

The main facility itself is hidden underground. The building above ground was meant to be a front, pretending to be a small, family owned restaurant.

But, preparing yourself for the presumably difficult day ahead, you trudged forward, opening the door to the 'restaurant' and subsequently ringing a bell.

A small, friendly looking old man appeared, and upon noticing you, they greeted you with a practiced customer service smile.

Was it sad that you knew the instant if a smile is fake or not because of your part time job? Maybe.

But back to the old man, you just mostly ignored him, not out of any disrespect, but because knowing the G.I.F.T program, the old man was most likely a former agent, looking to settle down a bit while still helping the cause.

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