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Birds chirped early in the morning, the smell of sweet honey filled the boy's nostrils as he stirred awake. With a soft grunt he began to prepare for the day, watching as Ares jumped into his bed and took his previous place.

He headed down the steps and into the large dining room, greeting his parents silently as they began to leave from the table. "We are to be having brunch with an old friend, Marcus." His mother smiled, placing her small hand on his shoulder. "I had planned to show Y/n around the manor but I suppose you can do that. Where is Y/n, love?"

Marcus simply gave her a short shrug, reaching over to snatch a biscuit, His fathers cold hand held his wrist firmly. "Your mother asked you something, best you respond with words boy."

"I believe she's still asleep." Marcus muttered, refusing to glance at the man before him.

"You should go wake her, there's so much for her to see. We are going now, go on." His mother smiled, leaning down and kissing his cheek softly; trailing after her husband who was already halfway out the room.

Pushing his chair back roughly, he dragged his feet up the steps. He stopped outside of the guest room, lifting his hand to knock softly but no response was heard. Marcus slowly opened the door, a glare in his eyes as he watched Ares rush past him and into the girls bedroom.

The girl was sprawled out on the bed at an awkward angle. Cleo, on the other hand, laid besides her leg peacefully. Suddenly she let out a hiss as she watched him approach the sleeping girl.

He whispered her name, rolling his eyes as she continued her rest. Cleo sat up, letting her clawed paw fall on the girl's thigh as she watched Marcus' own hand reach out.

A sharp wince left the h/c girls lips as she jolted awake, glaring at the cat who simply meowed at her. Her focus was quickly on the boy who stood besides her bed with a blank expression. She quickly reached for the covers, shielding her night attire. "What are you doing in here?"

"Get dressed." He scoffed, "we've got things to do." He informed her, letting out a groan as Ares hopped onto the bed besides Cleo but she simply hissed at the black familiar and kept her distance.

She remained on the bed, nervously glancing between him and the door. "I need you to get out." His eyes widened as he cleared his throat and rushed out the room silently.

. . . ✿ . . .

Marcus laid on the green grass, watching as the girl dropped besides him. "It's peaceful out here." She admitted, her eyes taking in the view of the lake. She glanced back towards the old Flint manor, it seemed distant from where they sat.

The male simply hummed, sitting up and glancing in the opposite direction. He had given her a house tour, though there wasn't much to show her since half of the rooms were empty. "Yeah, father would bring me out here and teach me how to ride a broom as a kid." He admitted, fumbling with his fingers.

"My father wasn't around to do that." The girl informed him, frowning as she thought about him. "Now that I think about it, he wasn't really around much."

The two remained in silence, it wasn't awkward, it almost seemed peaceful. Marcus suddenly cleared his throat, glancing at the girl with a frown. "Do you know why we're getting arranged?"

The question had caught the girl off guard, she furrowed her brows with a shake of her head. "No, I don't." She watched as he bit his lip, squinting his ebony eyes as he looked at the lake. "Do you?"

"I do." He whispered, eyes locking with her own.

"Tell me." She pleaded softly, "Please."

He shook his head at her, standing up and cleaning his trousers. "I don't think I should be the one to tell you. We should head back, the sun is setting."

"No," she exclaimed, "I think you should be just the person to tell me. I am to be your bride, tell me Marcus." She shoved him back, watching as he stumbled backwards lightly.

He stared at her silently, watching as the look in her eyes spoke with desperation. "Our families are death eaters, the only way you won't be branded as one is if you marry someone who is willing to take the mark for you. It's how my mother got out of it, and I'm pretty sure it happened to your own too."

She furrowed her brows at his words, a small frown overtaking her fair features. "They're making you get the mark for me? Why? Why would you agree?"

He shrugged his shoulders, a sigh escaping his lips as he thought about it. "I-I thought it would bring my name some good, my family's name, your name."

The girl remained silent, "you're crazy, you know that?" The boy simply gave her a nod, shrugging as he walked back towards the old house. "Thank you." He heard her call out, causing him to stop in his tracks. "It's a big sacrifice that you're making, I don't know why-" A scoff left her plump lips as she thought about the situation, "It's nice to know someone cares, so thanks."

Marcus smiled softly, a light blush coating his cheeks. "I guess we gotta watch each other's backs, huh?"

He left her alone with her thoughts. She slumped once again onto the soft grass, bringing her knees up to her chest as she wondered about what the future held for the both of them.

The boy watched her from afar, frowning as he thought about how she was bound to him for the rest of her life. His grandmother always told him when she met his grandfather through their arranged marriage it was as if it was destined for them. Marcus didn't think of it much, especially when he didn't know what to think about his own arrangement.

He then thought about the arrangement between his own parents, it held no love, it simply held interest on both parties. He could only hope this wasn't bound to wind up like their marriage. His gaze lingered on the girl, suddenly shaking his head with a frown as he made his way inside.

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