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The girl let out a groan upon hearing her mother call out to her from down stairs. She placed a quill inside the book she was reading, pushing herself off the bed with a soft grunt and descending the dark, rickey steps.

She watched her mother fix her coat in front of the fireplace, her eyes glancing at her daughter. "Why are you not dressed?" Endora asked, rolling her eyes when the girl shrugged, dropping down on the couch with a sigh.

"My pajamas are much more comfortable, mother. Thank you." The h/c smirked, frowning when her mother removed her coat and took a hold of her wrist. A yelp of surprise left her lips when her mother began to lead her up the steps.

"I picked out a dress for you to wear and I expect you to wear it." Her mother sighed, placing the dress neatly on the bed. "Please, don't make this any more difficult than it needs to be."

Y/n watched as her mother closed the door behind her softly, taking a glance at the dress before frowning as she muttered, "Don't go arranging me behind my back."

Throwing the door open, the girl made her way down the steps. She watched as her mother let out a small gasp, "My, you look lovely."

"Calm down, it's not like I'm getting married. Oh, wait, I am." She stated bluntly.

The portrait behind her roared with laughter causing chills to run down her spine. His honey orbs held anything but sweetness. "Boy, I can't wait till that day comes. Your mother will be weeping." His cold voice spoke, leaning back into the chair he sat in as he sent the older witch a wink.

"Father, are you not opposed to this?" The girl asked, watching as his eyes snapped to her.

"Of course I am." He scoffed, "But, I'm dead. And trust me when I say it's for your good."

Before the girl could speak, Vinda had walked in. Her cane hit the cold floor with  slight force. "Evan." She acknowledged the portrait, sending both females besides him a stern look. "Sorry to interrupt, but we must get going."

"Yes." Her mother stated, throwing her coat on, once again. She walked towards the fireplace, ushering Y/n to step inside it. "I'd have you go after your aunt, but you'd do anything to get out of this." She held out a small bowl filled with floo powder, instructing the girl she was to go to Flint Manor.

"Flint Manor." The girl stated loudly with a roll of her eyes.

She was soon transported into another fireplace, carefully looking around the vacant room before stepping out. The dark wood below her creaked loudly as she called out to no one in particular.

She soon huffed, glancing towards another room and shrugging as she made her way into it. "Hello?" Her soft voice ran out, startling an elder woman who sat in a chair, knitting what appeared to be a scarf.

"Who are you?" The witch asked, setting down her supplies.

"I-I'm Y/n Rosier." She stuttered out, watching as the other furrowed her brows. "Sorry, is this the Flint Manor?"

The witch stood up from her seat, staring at the girl silently. "I know that name."

"Nana." A male voice approached them. Y/n watched as Marcus took ahold of the woman's arm, leading her back to her chair.

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