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The fire cracked silently as the h/c stared at it intently, her eyes snapped at the sound of heavy footsteps from the boys dormitory. She silently watched as Flint came down with his broomstick in hand, narrowing her eyes at the boy as he made his way out of the brumal common room.

Her e/c orbs then watched as Penelope came from the girls dormitories, holding a decorative box in her pale hands. "I managed to sneak these from Pansy during Christmas. Hope you like them."

The girl watched as Penelope revealed her grandmother's infamous sugar cookies. Y/n scoffed, taking a cookie for herself. "As if I won't love them. I love your Nana, and that goes for her cookies as well."

"I know." Penelope smiled, taking a bite out of her own. "Do you think the game will be cancelled?"

The girl shook her head softly, swallowing her bite. "No way. They've played in worse conditions, the snow won't budge them."

Penelope sank back in her seat, propping her feet on Y/n's lap. "I guess you're right. We are going to beat Ravenclaw hard."

"Careful, don't let Davies hear you. He might think you're flirting with him." Y/n joked, letting out a small whine when the girl lightly kicked her.

Penelope sneared. "He can go fall off his broom."

. . . ✿ . . .

The girl was quick in her step as she followed Pomfrey out into the cold. She watched as the people in the stands were shaking and trying to shake the snow off from their coats. "My," Madame Pomfrey breathed out. "It's all covered in snow."

The girl shifted to the side, watching as the snow had calmed down, though it had managed to cover the entire Quidditch pitch. "This is better than rain, right?"

"Well, I do suppose you have a point." The older witch smiled, her eyes glancing to each of the players out on the field. "I have a feeling many students will be getting sick some time soon."

"And the Quaffle has been released." Lee Jordan's voice announced. "Davis takes possession of the Qua- nevermind, Flint takes possession of the Quaffle." The bot let out an annoyed sigh, quickly composing himself when McGonagall sent him a warning glance.

Throughout the match Madame Pomfrey paced around their designated waiting area, mumbling about the cold. The older woman let out a gasp when she watched a Slytherin player fall off his broom, a sigh soon escaping her lips when she discovered he fell in the soft snow.

The Slytherin team had managed to win, Higgs claiming victory when he caught the Snitch within the first half hour of the game. Y/n watched as the Slytherin's roared in cheers, moving the celebration into the common room, a place she hoped to not go to at the moment.

Her gaze was soon directed on Pomfrey, who was already half-way through the pitch; aiding the fallen player. She quickly chased after her, watching as Adrian Pucey struggled to get up from how deep he had fallen into the snow.

"Can you help him out?" Pomfrey asked the girl, her gaze focused on a young Ravenclaw who was limping towards them.

Y/n nodded her head, rolling her eyes when Adrian gave her a shy grin. She took both of his arms, grunting as she tried to pull him out of his spot. Her force must have been strong, it had caused the male to successfully escape the snow but he had fallen once again, this time on top of the girl.

"Get off of me." She cried, feeling her wrist in an awkward position.

The boy quickly scrambled off of the shrieking girl, watching with a frown as she cradled her wrist. "I am so sorry." He looked around the pitch wanting to get her some aid, but the matron was busy helping another student. His eyes locked onto ebony orbs, quickly calling him towards them.

Marcus furrowed his brows when he noticed Pucey standing and waving his arms around towards him. He made his way towards him, opening his mouth but quickly shutting it when he noticed Y/n on the ground, tears threatening to fall from her doe eyes.

He dropped besides her, glancing towards her arm. "What happened?"

"I got stuck and then she-she helped me, but I fell on her." Adrian spoke rapidly, finally catching Pomfrey's attention.

"Oh, dear." Pomfrey stated, taking a hold of her injured arm. The girl let out a small whimper. "Alright, I have a healing potion in the Hospital Wing. Mr. Flint, please help her to her feet."

Marcus nodded his head, moving behind the girl and wrapping his arms around her waist to hoist her up. "I can walk." She whispered softly.

Reluctantly, Marcus let her go and picked her medical bag up. He, along with a guilty Adrian, trailed behind the two females to the Hospital Wing. The pair stood off to the side as Y/n took a seat on an empty bed, watching as Pomfrey fumbled with bottles of potions. The older witch turned to the boys, "I've got it handled from here. You two can go."

Marcus glanced at Adrain who stood still in his spot, he shrugged his shoulders and remained besides his friend. The two watched as the matron poured a yellow liquid in a cup, smoke soon appeared.

Marcus cleared his throat, catching her attention. "Is that Skel-Gro?" The boy was familiar with the vile potion, having had broken bones throughout his own Quidditch career.

"Yes." Madame Pomfrey stated, choosing to ignore the fact that they were still present. Y/n watched as the boys shared a glance, grimacing at the sight of the liquid. "Here you go."

She took the cup with her un-injured hand, raising it and gagging at the smell. She quickly chugged the foul liquid, her throat burning as it went down. "Eww." She whined.

"Your wrist should be healed by tomorrow, though if you feel discomfort I can write you a note to dismiss you from taking notes." Pomfrey announced, knowing it was her dominant hand she had injured. "You are free to go, take your bodyguards with you." She whispered, glancing at the boys.

As soon as the three stepped out of the Hospital Wing, Adrain began to apologize. But, the girl had repeatedly told him it was fine causing Marcus to roll his eyes. They had made their way into the common room silently, watching as the party had come to an end.

"Again. I'm sorry." He offered Y/n a small smile, leaving the two as he rushed up the dormitories.

Y/n sighed as she took a seat on the nearby couch. She nervously glanced as Marcus took a seat next to her, his eyes focused on her wrist. "What?" She asked softly.

His dark eyes locked onto hers, shaking his head at her as he stood up. "Goodnight, Rosier." The girl furrowed her brows, watching his broad figure disappear up the stairs.

"Night, Flint." She whispered, feeling herself grow tired.

𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐈𝐄𝐑 ❪ M. FLINT ❫Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ