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The young Rosier found a vacant seat in the last aisle of the library, a sigh escaping her lips as she dropped her books onto the desk. The girl pulled her potions book closer, opening to where she had last left off.

Draught of Peace

"A potion that relieves anxiety and agitation." The girl whispered to herself, humming as she thought about how much that was needed during exams.

Marcus passed the isle, his ebony eyes watching the girl. A smirk appeared on his face as he dropped his body into the seat besides her. The boy threw his own potions book open, the heavy cover hitting the desk with a loud smack.

Y/n rolled her eyes at his action, turning her body away from him. Unfazed, Marcus decided to bother her peace. He bought his quill closer and began to tap it on the book causing the girl to turn to him.

"Will you please stop that?" She whisper shouted, not wanting to get kicked out of the library. "What are you even doing here? Don't you have quidditch practice?"

"I'm studying." He stated as a matter of fact, a smirk adorned on his face.

"Really?" The girl raised a brow with a hum. "You're not even on the correct page." She pointed towards his book, Calming Drought. "We're doing Draught of Peace."

"I knew that." Marcus grumbled, turning to the proper page.

Y/n let out a small scoff, "I'm surprised you know where the library is. Or did you get lost on your way here?" She stated sarcastically.

"Haha, real funny, Rosier." He rolled his eyes, watching as she happily huffed and turned to her book again. The two soon fell quiet, Macrus would occasionally let out small hums to get the girl agitated.

. . . ✿ . . .

Large carved pumpkins floated above the great Hall, replacing the usual candles, the sky was dark as it rumbled with thunder and lightning. The h/c girl ate her carrot cake slice, watching with slight disgust as Montague stuffed his face with all kinds of treats.

"I love Halloween." He spoke between mouthfuls, causing a small laugh to rumble through her chest.

"Eww, keep the food inside your mouth, Mont." Penelope exclaimed.

Adrian appeared and seated himself between both Montague and Penelope, smiling towards them as they simply gave him an annoyed look. "Are our Prefect rounds not enough?" Penelope asked with a smile.

"Nope." The boy stated as he too filled his plate with candy.

A frown formed on Y/n's face when Flint took a seat besides her. "Are you following me now?" She groaned.

"Of course not." He stated, "I happen to be in your house, so I sit at this table. Or were you not aware of that?" Y/n rolled her e/c orbs, ignoring the questioning glance Penelope sent her.

The double doors to the Great Hall were thrown open as Professor Quirrell ran inside, panicked as he spoke. "Troll in the dungeon. Troll in the dungeon."

Dumbledor arose to his feet as the students stared at the Professor oddly. "Thought you ought to know." Professor Quirrell whimpered as his body collided onto the floor.

Panic soon erupted throughout the Great Hall, though Penelope was laughing causing her friends to send her strange looks. "Look." She breathed out, pointing towards her sister who was latched onto an older student; attempting to pry the girl off of themselves.

Many of the other students had rushed up and tried to leave the Great Hall before Professor Dumbledor's voice boomed out. "Silence." He watched as the students paused, the yelling and chaos died rather quickly. "If everyone would please not panic. Now, prefects will lead their house back to their dormitories. Teachers will follow me to the dungeon."

"Wait." Y/n spoke aloud, watching as Adrain and Penelope began to lead the Slytherin's out. "We sleep in the dungeons."

"I think they will escort us as well." Montague said pointing towards the teachers who were walking in front of the group.

"Come on." Flint tugged at her robes, ushering the girl to stand up.

She quickly got up, following the crowd back to their common room. Her doe eyes watched as the other houses headed to their rooms, sending Penelope an assuring smile when she noticed her send her a worried glance.

The Professor soon left them inside the common room, rushing towards the direction of the troll. "How does a troll get inside the school grounds?" Penelope sighed as she dropped on the love seat, leaning her head on Y/n's shoulder.

"I don't know." Y/n admitted softly.

. . . ✿ . . .

"Today we will be mixing a potion that often comes up at Ordinary Wizarding Level: The Drought of Peace, a potion to calm anxiety and smooth agitation." Y/n watched as Professor Snape winced lightly as he paced the room.

"Be warned: If you are too heavy-handed with the ingredients you will put the drinker into heavy and sometimes irreversible sleep, so you will need to pay close attention to what you are doing." Snape stated as he glared at certain students.

The students soon began to gather their supplies, turning to their partners as they began to work. Y/n was reading the steps to Penelope, occasionally glancing towards their cauldron to make sure the color was proper.

Half way through their potion making, Snape had begun to make his trips around the classroom, instructing the students how to properly brew the potion. He soon came to halt at Rosier and Parkinson's desk, letting out a small hum of approval with a firm nod.

The two stepped out of the class with a smile, "that wasn't too bad."

Penelope laughed, shaking her head. "Tell that to the Gryffindor's."

Montague had quickly caught up to them, swinging an arm around each of their shoulders. "Please tell me you guys will be at my first quidditch game?"

"I will." Penelope stated.

The two then glanced towards Y/n, who gave them an annoyed look. "I have to be there. I'm helping Madame Pomfrey." She pouted.

She noticed Montague smirk, "Well, Marcus is going to love that." The male then removed his arms from each of the girls, walking towards the opposite direction.

Y/n furrowed her brows, turning towards Penelope. "What's that supposed to mean?" Penelope only offered her a shrug, pulling her towards their next class.

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