'You're okay?' He looked into my eyes, and I nodded and dropped my gaze.

'You should have informed us about your arrival sooner. I would have prepared the guest room properly for you,' Ayat spoke to him, but thankfully her tone was normal.

'I had some urgent matters, sorry for all the trouble I caused you,' He replied confidently.

'I also have to get some house renovations done at my father's old residence here in the city and sell it eventually, the last family who was living there moved out of the house a few weeks ago, and I was thinking for a long time to sell it and invested in a new property...now that I am here I might as well get that done too' He explained.

'And the urgent matter?' Ayat inquired him.

'That's personal...very important one. I will share with you soon...now is not the time. It's very special to me' He replied to her with a smile and then peeked at me. Looking at him watching me with so many emotions in his eyes that showed the love he had towards me put me at guilt when I doubted him when I heard about the news of his past engagement.

The night finally wrapped up, and we all went to our rooms, but how was I to sleep when Irfan was just a short distance away from me, and there was so much I wanted to say to him. I looked at the clock, and it was half-past midnight, and I knew Ayat told me to stay away from Irfan, but how could I? He went through so much trouble to come to see. I hope she forgives me, I thought quickly and went out of my room to go to his before changing my mind.

I stood in front of the guest room, memorizing everything I would say to him so I don't forget anything, but my hand stopped as soon as I raised it to knock on the door. Maybe I should talk to him tomorrow, I told myself and took a step from the door. As soon as I was about to leave, the door opened, and Irfan stepped outside.

'I...' My mouth dry like I got caught doing something I shouldn't.

'I am sorry...I am going to go...have a good night,' I added quickly, and just as I was about to walk away from him, he came after me and grabbed my hand.

'Don't...talk to me, Haya,' I heard him say as his hand loosed around me, and he nudged me to turn to look at him, so I did.

'She asked me to stay away from you...Ayat knows about us, and she said she is going to ask you to leave and I...' I started blabbing all that I remember to tell him, but he stepped forward in my direction and placed his finger on my lips.

'It's okay,' He calmly said. I blinked at him, and he removed his hand.

'She will ask you to leave,' I cautioned him again.

'Then I will leave,' He stated.

'You will leave?' I stared at him unbelievingly.

'This house but not you,' He said warmly, and I couldn't help but smile in response. 

'I am sorry I made you worry, I should have answered your calls...I was angry,' I confessed.

'It's okay,' He told me.

'You're not angry with me?' I asked him. He seemed upset at first, but now he seemed like everything was fine.

'No...I was, but then I saw you, and I forgot everything...I just remembered you, Haya, and I wanted to see you...just don't disappear on me like that again,' He said softly and cupped my face with his hand to make me look at him.

'I won't. I promise' I secured my hand over his.

'It's late...I should go, but we will talk...there are some things I want to discuss' I told him and stepped back.

'Okay,' He lightly touched my cheek again before heading back to his room.

'And I am with you,' I said while his back on me.

'I am with you too...always.' He turned and his eyes met mine again. He smiled at me and nodded at me waiting for me to add something more, and my face got warmer. His presence gave me so much strength, and I felt like no matter what happens, we will be okay.

'Goodnight' I laughed when I noticed he was not going inside his room.

'Goodnight' He waved at me but stayed at the door as he was enjoying teasing me. I felt so light at that moment, knowing that if he stands with me, I will be able to face everything and eventually turn my sisters' no into a big yes. I just had to figure it out first.

'Goodnight' I pushed him inside the room, and he laughed. I closed his door and ran back to my room with a red face, a fast-beating heart, and a wide smile.


Hi guys,

Hope you're doing well and Happy International Women's Day to all my fellow queens out there making waves. YOU are capable, smart, powerful, and strong. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise!

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Catch you next week <3

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