Cloud looked at the four, and gave a weird smile. "Ah, glad you four could make it. Please, come with me," Cloud walked off toward a back room, in quite a static way. All four boys looked at each other, slightly weirded out by this. They all shrugged it of, though, and followed Cloud.

Cloud led them through the main floor of the expo, and to a room in the back. The room was quite small, and had just a few things. One of those things being a large television, spanning almost the entire length of the back wall. There were also four chairs, positioned right in front of the TV.

All four boys smiled, thinking they were getting some sort of special treatment. Well, they weren't entirely wrong.

Ness, Claus, and Ninten rushed to the seats, and sat down quickly. Lucas was a bit hesitant, but gave in once he saw the excitement of Ness' face. Cloud made his way to the television, and turned it on. He then handed each boy a controller. "Here, you four will be simply playing a video game."

The four boys nodded, pretty excited to get a private room to themselves.

Once the TV fully booted up, it was already on the title screen for the game. The title screen was quite barren, simply being white text on a black background. The title read "Mutilate," and odd choice for a title. The game was stated to be made by a company known as "H. Sams," and claimed to be founded by one "Sorb H. Sams." Suffice it to say, the boys payed no attention to the screen, and quickly pressed start.

As the game started, they found it quite fun. It's unique gameplay, combined with it's engaging plot, made it very entertaining for the boys. That is, until they reached the first boss. Specifically when Lucas reached the boss. The game was turn based, meaning each player would get a turn everytime another died. It was now Lucas' turn. But, when he reached the boss, something weird happened. Something only Lucas could see.

The screen flashed Yellow, then Red, then Yellow. Then, some words appeared.









Lucas fell out of his chair, passing out


"'s me again. I-It's been a's been no activity at all on your end. U-Um...I-I just hope you're safe...y-you were one of my best patients...a-and your progress was really great!...Um, I-I'm trying my best not to disclose anything to l-law enforcement...o-or my boss...h-he seemed weirdly interested in your case...a-anyways...I hope you're safe, and I hope to hear from you again."


When Lucas woke up, he was lying in a field. He quickly sat up, and looked around. The field was quite large, and it was quite dark out. Not morning dark, but night dark.

Lucas clenched his fist, but quickly unclenched them. There was some sort of liquid on them. Not water, as it was more sticky. Lucas rubbed his head. He couldn't remember what had happened that day.

He stood up, and walked off. A strange feeling he had was telling him to go home. So, he did. He went home. He didn't even notice that Claus, Ness, or Ninten wasn't with him.


Lucas made his way home. By now, it was twilight. The bright light of the moon illuminated the red and yellow flowers in front of the house. Lucas walked up to his door, and prepared to knock. He hesitated.

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