Finding My Friends

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5615 words
Published 10/4/21

Hi guys this is my first one-shot. Please comment and vote as it will help me improve and become a better writer thanks🖤

Me and the pack were all sat in the classroom listening to the boring teacher. I already know everything he is teaching so I wasn't really paying attention.

"Hey dude you ok" Scott asked me. "What yeah yeah I'm fine" I lied. Truth is I haven't been fine since I came back from WCKD 2 months ago. Not that the pack know I was kidnapped they think I was visiting family.

"Ok" Scott replied. Suddenly the classroom door burst open. No no it can't be I thought. Janson and 4 WCKD guards walked in the room. "Excuse me we are in the middle of a class here" my teacher said.

I finally snapped out of my trace took my gun out from the back of my trousers and pointed it at Janson.

"STILES" everyone was shouting but I ignored them. Janson finally spoke "hello Thomas long time no see". "I killed you" I said through gritted teeth. "Well no you kind of didn't".

"You see Ava made a mixture that could protect someone from death and we both took it obviously hers didn't work but mine did" Janson said. "I'm not going anywhere with you" I said.

"Stiles what is going on" Lydia asked. "Yeah stiles why don't you explain to everyone in this room how you killed me out of cold blood" Janson said trying to anger me but I stayed calm.

"Janson I will give you a choice either we stay in here and lots of people die for no reason or you send you guards away and me and you can have a civilised conversation" I said.

"Thomas that's not how this works now put the gun down we both know you won't shoot not in here with your friends" he said. "You really don't know me at all" I said and shot right at Janson.

"STILES STOP" Scott shouted. The bullet hit some kind of force field and fell to the floor. "What the shuck" I whispered. "I'm a hologram I knew there was no way you would see me and not try to kill me I had to make preparations".

Janson then nodded and the guards all pointed there guns up. One at Scott, Lydia, Liam and Malia. I put my gun down. "WAIT WAIT DONT SHOOT" I shouted.

"What do you want" I asked. "We need your blood you know that" Janson replied. "Ok if I go with you you will leave them alone" I motioned to the pack "and not go after the others".

"Stiles what the hell is going on who is this guy" Malia said. "I have to go with these people I will be back soon I promise but DO NOT look for me". "What Stiles what are you doing" Scott said as I walked towards the guards.

"Drop the gun Thomas" Janson said "we don't want any one getting injured accidentally". I brought the gun up. "Thomas what are you doing" Janson said. Before anyone could process it I shot all four of the guards.

They all fell to the floor. "You little shit" Janson said. "Take this as a warning I will never come back to WCKD" I threateningly spoke. He didn't reply he just disappeared into thin air. "Umm class is over" our teacher said.

Everyone then left the classroom leaving me and the pack. "I don't even know where to start I have so many questions" Scott said. "Guys can we please just forget everything that happened".

"YOU JUST KILLED 4 PEOPLE" Liam shouted. "Yes yes I know that but trust me they deserved it" I said calmly.

"Look I need to go I know that right now I am being really vague but trust me it's for you own safety".

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