Dream meet AU's

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Dream yawned slowly,its 5am right now she is supposed to wake up when the others at home at 8 am,but today she woke up early,she walked to kitchen to find the chef master, she greeted him saying "good morning mr,max"she said smiling,max turned his face to see her then said "ah!young majesty!good morning!didn't you woke up a bit early?my young majesty?"Dream yawned to see maria,"hey?!where are the others?"dream said as the maid sighed,"they went out my young majesty.."dream got shocked,"without me?!" Dream said,
"M-my young majesty!!"maria yelled,when dream was running outside as she fell into a Portle,
Dream saw a boy with stars around him come up to her,he introduced his self to her his name was 'outer'
Dream smiled as she said "hello outer!I am dream!"she. Smiled as outer blushed a little and softly dreaming saw a portal she said her good byes to outer as she jumped though it,dream blinded as she saw sketlon screaming in a scared tone at an other one saying "sorry,Boss!"
~Felltale~[idk if it was the right name :(]
The boy who was supposed to be a 'sans' and named "fell" left his brother as dream walked to him and said "so is your name 'Boss' or is it a nickname?"dream asked the tall skeleton sighed as he said "name edge,you little adorable shit!"  Edge then blushes a little,as Dream said "names dream"then dream  smiled as she fall down a portal
"Hey kiddo,you aren't supposed to here"another tall skeleton said "oh hello!I am dream you?",he sighed looking at the incorrect looking of dreams he blushed,"carrot"he said,
"alright carrot,hope we meet up again" dream said as she fall down another portal,
she looked at a tall skeleton following a little human wanting to eat her blood,dream put the kid name 'Eliza' behind her,the tall skeleton start making scary faces,made dream scared as she was only '13 years old,dream started tearing up with the man named 'papyrus' not knowing what to do,so he hugged her,
As dream fall ointo another portale
Dream meet up with the. Chara of this AU and gave her a quick Pat pat before falling into another portal
Everything there was painted and colored making dream eyes turn into stars!as she saw a little colorless girl who was named [CORE] dream smiled as she hugged the little girl and fall into.another AU.
Dream looked at the two skeleton one supposed to be reaper brother but reaper now is'nt his brother,geno just left having new bro's
Dream looked at the two tall brothers confused,she sighed as she saw a portale again!
So she jumped into it leaving the tall two skeleton's confused,
Everything was dusted making dream feeling so much negative feelings and as for her age,she was supposed not to feel such a strong negative!,her eyes started tearing up as another portal opened and dream fell into it,
She saw a boy 'pervet' in my words coming up to her,more likely flirting,he started touching he,but no!
No one mess with the queen #2
She pushed him and made him wish he wasn't born,she summons her Glaster blaster (yes dream has one in this AU!)as the boy got scared and asked for mercy,dream sighed as she PAtted her glaster telling him to stop,
After that dream fell again into portal into bad guys house
And she is probably going to have a punishment for going outside,
Dream sighed as nightmare looked at her,"so where did you go?!","idk,"dream said,she didn't know anything about AU's,
Nightmare sighed as he said "sorry lil sis but you are going to have a punishment",dream looked at him with her inccorect eyes,all she know about the word punishment that it something for being a bad person!or did something bad,dream turned her gaze to floor then said in a low voice,"sorry nii-chan"
What is dream punishment?
Wait us in another chapter to know!
-720 words

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