dark side ...

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Dream yawned as she opened her eyes,then they went into stars!
It was her 13 birthday
[some how?!🗿]
She jumped off the bed,then walked into closet to pick up her clothes,she smiled as she left to take a shower!
~After that~
Dream turned her face to see herself in mirror,she were wearing
A yellow hoodie that error made her and some Black jeans!
And some yellow shoes to match her fit. She has also had her star clip,
And moon necklace from reaper.

She went down hallway to meeting room,it was 8 am,dream walked down hall to see the maid,dream smiled then walked to her and said "hey maria!did onii-chan's and the other's finish their meeting yet or not?",maria smiled,"well first, good morning young majesty!,and yes they finished you can enter"dream smiled as she pushed meeting room door's,she saw nightmare first in the
-LEADER- place with reaper flying around and geno sitting behind nightmare,"good morning,guys!"dream said,nightmare smiles and said
"good morning,dream"., "good morning sunshine!"geno and reaper also greeted As dream smiled,as Also error walked to her and said "wHaT dId I sAy AbOuT wEaRiNg tHe StAr ClIp ArOuNd,YoU cAn JuSt LoSe It!"but today is  my birthday!"dream said,error sighed then he said "FiNe,BuT DOn'T cRy  If YoU lOsE iT",
Dream eyes turned into a tear error was kind of yelling and she has a phobia from yelling and loud noises,
Cross looked at dream's eyes who turned into tears then hugged her then gave a glare to error "error!she gave phobia from loud noises!stop yelling,"error calmed down then said "I am sorry dream.."dream eyes turned into target,feeling someone touch her without no one noticed ,lust touched dream in the 'butt' she glared,lust situated down and so dream
It was like this
Nightmare in -LEADER- SPOT
behind him geno
Behind geno reaper
Behind reaper dream
Behind nightmare in other side
"Killer then dust then horror"
Then lastly lust behind dream,
Nightmare start talking "alright guys today I ma do check up to your power","power check up?"dream asked confused,"mhm,we usually do it to see how bad our anger will hurt people around us"dust said In a chilling tone,
First Nightmare it supposed to chock collar him when he is so mad,
The murder trio start telling jokes as nightmare gave them death glared and he got chocked!,
It was like that for everyone,using their sensitive sides making them angry,
Why the reason?
Its so they know things that made you really angry,
And so its dreams turns,
"Uhh,I don't know what would make  a person who is very nice like dream mad"horror said,dream frowned,
Lust start flirting with dream,everyone finally realized him and was about to beat him up as the shock said
Angry level 5%
Dream smiled sweetly,as lust keep flirting,
The shock gulped as said
Angry level 50%
Lust keep flirting as a dark side get out of her body,whispering
Dream glared as the shock collar started shocking her telling
Angry level 99% dangerous!!
Reaper felt mad seeing dream getting shocked the bad side said something made dream snaps,
He shocked her more as he said
100% angry level
Random yellow magic broke the collar,
And then he hold dream into him and said,"nap time!~"he said using magic,reaper took the sleeping dream from the random person,reaper glared at him and the random person  just dispeared,reaper smiled as he hold dream into her in ~bridal style~
Then put her in bed,
TBC •v•!
-614 words

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