The Theft 2

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With only one soul saved from the demonic, cloaked dead guy, the Snape Snatcher was getting fidgety. sips___tea had not quite packed her bags to leave yet and was still a valuable source of information about the old black bat's victims. She huffed in frustration at having nothing to do, and her kleptomania was starting to kick in. The Snape Snatcher jabbed sips___tea in the shoulder, "Hey, who else was the freak tryna get with?" she asked in a boisterous tone. sips___tea decided to spill the tea, instead of just sipping it and told the Snape Snatcher that there was one particularly endangered fellow who may just need her assistance.

The new victim was called Gilderoy_simp.

The Snape Snatcher gazed up at the dark foreboding castle that loomed above her, once again. The window that she had previously used to infiltrate the grand fortress had been nailed and boarded up, making the next raid for lost teens much more of a temptation.  She began to creep closer to the cold stone walls, placing her hands on the rocks and feeling the little warmth of her hands being sapped by the facade. Begining to scale the wall, she feels her heart race. It's dangerous to be up here, and she knew it. It's not perfectly morally white doing this work, but she knew that it would benefit all those involved in the end, particularly Gilderoy_simp, who was the worst case I had seen yet.

She peeped her eyes over the first window she came to; an abandoned classroom, dusty with time.  Unlatching the window, it flew open with the wind. With a slap, crack and a yelp, it smacked her in the head sending her backwards slightly. With newfound desperation, she scrapes at the jutting sill, clasping it with all her strength. She felt a solemn hot tear go down her flushed face as she caught the rock. Heaving herself up, she entered the asthma deathtrap.

It was time to track down Gilderoy_simp. The Snape Snatcher carefully had fashioned an outfit that somewhat resembled a Slytherin uniform, and was simply hoping to God that it would allow her to pass as a student. Sneaking out of the classroom, she began to stride down the hall. It was all going well. Keeping a hood over her head made it so no student looked twice at her. She had made it halfway through to the great hall, the most likely location of the lost soul. She passed many gossiping short-asses and was quietly noting whether they were who she was looking for or not. Suddenly a snide and slimy voice came up behind her. "And where do you think you're going?" She'd know that voice anywhere. It was the bastard beast himself. Severus Snape. The sarcasm, slithering and vile nature dripping off every over-extended vowel.

She turned slowly, with extreme caution towards the evil man, with a face she could punch harder than she would a Despicable Me minion. He peered down at her slightly hidden face as she glanced around frantically, in an attempt to not have to look at his face. Suddenly a pang of anxiety hit her heart. There they were. Gilderoy_simp was glued to the gloomy figure like a toddler is to their dummy. They glared up at her with a knowing sneer. What was she supposed to do? They were right in the line of sight of the snivelling Snape, and there was no way she could snatch them now.

Or could she?

She stuck out her tongue at the greasy house leader, pushed him aside and threw the sack over Gilderoy_simp's head, dragged it over their body and scooped them up. Flipping the bird at the now red-faced and steaming man, she dashed off back to the abandoned classroom. Snape screamed after her as she turned the corner, smoothly gliding around the corner as her heelies, as she sped off into the battered and forgotten door. Her heart pounded into her ribs, her mind and actions went on auto-pilot as she felt the window sill as pressure on her feet. She caught the drainpipe to stop her momentum and leapt. The air pushed against her and flew through her hair before feeling the slight pain at planting her feet onto the grass. Once again, the various students scattered around outside stared in confusion at the lanky, sack bearer.

It was once again, time to run. This time, being very careful not to let the sack-held teen snack their head off the floor. The noise of Snape's slimy voice bellowing out of the window shrieking "after her!" to all of the poor kids underneath him. She had to keep running. If they caught her, then they'd be able to drag Gilderoy_simp back to the evil shadow from which I took her.

There was no way she could release them on the way back, as she had done for sips___tea, as this Simp had gone too far. They were too far gone, and she could only wish that by snatching them, they'd be somewhat saved.

She finally reached home. She opened the rough drawstrings over the Simp's head, and let them come out at their own will. They immediately tried to make a run for it. Even sips___tea wasn't surprised at this reaction, yet she tried to call out to Gilderoy_simp: "Hey! Calm down! She's only trying to help us!" Gilderoy_simp spun around at hearing the voice of their favourite person, sips___tea. They had a rather big crush on her, which made sips___tea rather uncomfortable as these feelings were not shared. The Snape Snatcher knew she had made a risky choice by bringing them to the same place as sips___tea, but hoped that they would be on their best behaviour so that they could be rehabilitated to realise that fantasising about old, dead actors was unhealthy.

The Snape Snatcher left the room, leaving the two simps to discuss their issues. She kept listening in so that there was no funny business, and to make sure that no one was going to go back to Snape.

The conversation that followed went well, the saving was a success. The plan was going perfectly. She had saved two simps from going off the path of goodness.

There were more. The two simps knew who else needed saving. It was time to save another.

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Mar 07, 2021 ⏰

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The Theft of Gilderoy_simpजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें