Chapter 26

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Tommy sat at the stern of the rowboat alongside Philza, George, and Wilbur in silence. None of them knew what to talk about after their last conversation. Sapnap turned to them frowning before pushing the boat out to sea.

"Too much weight. One of you gotta wait here."

Wilbur, Philza, George, and Tommy looked to each other. Wait on the shore? Alone? No one found solitude, even for only a short while, appealing. No one could recall the last time they were alone.

"How long would one of us have to wait for you to get back?" Wilbur asked.

Sapnap sighed, "Half hour at most. It's not that long. Hurry up and choose someone."

He sent a subtle glare in Tommy's direction. Tommy looked away pretending the bubbly sea foam was of interest. He knew Sapnap meant for him to get off.

"And you'll come back for whoever waits here?" Phil asked.

Sapnap nodded, "Yeah, I'll be back for whoever gets left behind. Or Tubbo over there'll come get you."

He didn't sound too certain, and the way he phrased the idea made it even less appealing. Though he may not have had a favourite passenger, Sapnap clearly had a least favourite, and he didn't bother to hide it either. Tommy was certain that the least favourite was him.

"Look, the benches fit 2 people but the boat itself is old as shit," Sapnap explained still bitter. "You may be okay with it but I'm not risking us sinking or drowning in acid seawater."

Wilbur nodded, "That's completely understandable. I'll wait. George, Phil, Tommy. You guys hop in."

George and Philza exchanged uncertain glances. Before they could protest, Wilbur nudged them forwards, and the two men begrudgingly climbed into the boat. He pushed Tommy to go next, but Tommy dodged him and quickly ducked behind Wilbur.

"Tommy, what the fuck are you doing, man?" Wilbur hissed, "Get in the fucking boat."

"You go first," Tommy glowered challenging Wilbur. "Sapnap would rather I wait here."

"How do you know that?"

"I just do."

Taken aback by Tommy's confidence, Wilbur ever so slightly faltered. Pre-apocalyspe, real-life Tommy was far calmer and quieter than TommyInnit, and he more often than not complied to what those he respected told him. Of course, he liked to sneak off then and again. Get into some trouble, live a little. But Tommy wasn't the type to worry or hurt others.

This Tommy was unfamiliar to Wilbur. Not to mention Philza, George, and Sapnap too. The boy Wilbur found had become a rather big man, and Wilbur couldn't have been more proud. He smirked to himself and climbed into the boat beside Philza behind Sapnap. He turned to Tommy with a happy-sad smile.

"You've grown a lot since the world went to shit."

Tommy rolled his eyes, "Yeah, I have. Everyone has but... thanks, Wil."

The boat set off for the waiting tradeship, and Tommy waved to them from the shoreline. Suddenly, Tubbo returned with a boat clear of luggage, living or not. He waved urging him to climb onboard too. Tommy let out a dramatic sigh of relief.

"Oh thank fuck, I did not want to ride in a boat alone with Sapnap. He probably would've killed me."

Tubbo gave him a funny look but then shrugged it off.

"Let's go, man. Everyone's waiting."

Tommy cackled, and the two sped off towards the waiting ship.

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