Chapter 4

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A few hours later, Tzuyu, Vim, and I had finished our final edits and were off to go shopping. We grabbed the last cup of blond roast we'd ever get from the rusty, broken coffee dispenser that gave more headaches than coffee and headed to Oakhill Road.

Oakhill road was made with the intention of being a designated shopping spot. There were lines of famous designer shops, on both sides of the road, spanning many blocks and you could get everything from clothes to shoes, it was all there. The road even had openings into small alleys that were packed with food stalls and resting spots for people to take a break in between shops.

It was the perfect spot to get glammed up and Tzuyu seemed to be an expert at that. As soon as we got there she speed walking into a shop, while Vim and I looked at each other wondering how fast one could run in heels that high. Once inside, Tzuyu had a fire in her eyes that I had never seen before.

"Vim the men's section is straight and to the right." She pointed, "And for you, let's go." She grabbed my wrist and pulled me into a secluded section closed off with stanchions and velvet ropes. only a few people were there, the walls looked like black curtains and there were clumps of clothes hanging in a circular formation that one could sift through. Sizes and types were labeled on the stands where the clothes were. Besides the air of soft piano music coming from the ceiling speakers and the tapping of shoes on the tile, it was silent.

"What do you like?" Tzuyu whispered,

I looked around, I had truly never seen anything like this before and was completely clueless on how to proceed. I hope Vim was having an easier time than me! I looked up at Tzuyu's determined eyes and shrugged. She puffed out a breath of air and looked around until I saw a twinkle in her eyes and she gasped. She grabbed my wrist.

"Oh no, not the pulling again." I said

She dragged me to a set of black colored dresses, she looked around as though she already had in mind what dress she wanted.

"Ah ha!" She yelled before quickly quieting herself and minding her volume. With a dress in hand she quickly pulled me to a dressing room.

"Go put this on, I'll find a dress for myself by then." She said,

I turned around and walked into the room, feeling the softness of velvet in my hands. The dress was large and weighty, an off shoulder, black dress. It had tiny sequins on it that made it look like the night sky. Putting it on, it only came down to my thighs and had a frilly bottom. I played with the zippers on my wrist before walking out. Tzuyu wasn't there and I felt a little awkward trying to find her so I did the next best thing- I whisper yelled.

"Tzuyu!" I looked around to see a few eyes look at me.

"Tzuyu!!" I yelled a little louder and that did it, I heard the clicking of her heels and then saw the top of her wavy brown hair from one of the stands. She walked up to me and I saw her eyes turn a bit watery.

"That's it, we're buying this one." She said,

"I don't know isn't it expensive," I said reaching for the price tag, but before I could I was almost tackled to the ground and the tag was removed. Tzuyu got up with a huff and spoke.

"Money is of my concern, not yours." She smiled and walked into the dressing room with her own dress, a victorious smile on her face.

Several minutes later we had paid and walked over to the men's section. Looking around we found no trace of Vim and we were about to leave when we heard the creak of the changing room door and Vim standing in a well fit tux. He looked, good. Tzuyu and my mouth hung open, we never realized Vim was actually good looking but right now with a white undershirt and a black tux like coat wrapped around his body he looked better than good.

"I'm going to get this I think," he said smiling.

Tzuyu and I stayed quiet in our shock, just giving slow nods and a thumbs up. Once we got out I began walking to the car until I felt an arm wrap around my shoulder.

"You didn't think we'd leave before a makeover huh?" Tzuyu spoke, she whipped me around and we headed into a parlor. There, the three of us had our hair, cut and styled.

We lost track of time but a few hours later we showed up in front of La Grande and were escorted to a secluded room in the back. Quite a bit of the crew was already there and seated, found our spot besides the production team.

The room was dimly lit and the tables were low to the ground. Long tables stretching out to fit ten to twelve people each on opposite sides of the room with floor seating on plush pillows. Allowing for a small mini world for each group.

"Hey guys," Jeongyeon, the production manager spoke.

"Hello!" Tzuyu greeted while Vim and I just nodded politely.

Jeonyeon was drinking a beer besides the lady I had met in the dressing room, her jaded black hair was now let down and waved, and she seemed refreshed unlike before, drinking her white wine.

"This is my wife Nayeon, I'm sure you've met her." Jeongyeon said as she put an arm in her lap. Nayeon smiled in their direction and I noticed her larger front teeth, she was very pretty.

"You guys look so great! Tzuyu, I love the gold accents on your dress." Nayeon spoke

Tzuyu smiled, her long, fluffy, almost tropical, red dress was frilly in design with gold accents by the waist and arms. She truly looked dazzling. They all took a seat and continued talking until suddenly the loud sound of applause was heard and everyone got up. Following their actions so did I and that's when I saw Angel Asylum. They looked really happy and they all wore navy blue. Momo wore a pantsuit with a long coat, Mina wore a long dress with a slit for one leg, and Sana wore a short body tight, blue velvet dress, they seemed like a close knit band and seemed a little overwhelmed by the instant attention they got, but once the applause died down they thanked the crew and staff and sat down. Although they had dedicated seats by themselves, as a sign of respect they moved their seats into our tables, leading to another set of applauses. In front of Tzuyu, sat Sana, in front of me was Mina and in front of Vim was Momo.

As soon as they sat down waiters came into the room with bottles of the best Russian vodka and poured a shot for everyone. I looked at my cup, I wasn't a perfect child but I'd never drunk alcohol before and wasn't sure I wanted to start today. I looked up to see Sana looked at me and I smiled, pushing the cup farther away from me but I was met with resistance and saw Tzuyu pushing the cup back in my direction.

"I'm sponsoring and alcohol equals fun. Come on, let loose." Tzuyu said.

I looked around me to see Vim had already drunk his shot and so had Momo, Sana, and Tzuyu. It was just me and Mina. I looked up to see her and she smiled, grabbing her cup she drank her vodka. Now it was just my turn. Well people in the movies sure do like it, I wonder if it taste like limes. I brought the cup up to my lips and in one gulp drank the liquid. I closed my eyes as the drink burned down my throat and the bitter taste killed off some of my taste buds.

"Yuck," I spoke, bringing out my tongue.

Tzuyu laughed and smiled. "You're so cute Chaeyoung," she said,

I gave a light smile as the taste in my mouth began to dissipate. I didn't feel anything though so I happily accepted the two other rounds of shots that came my way until Tzuyu said that I wasn't required to take any more. Apparently I have a high tolerance level because I couldn't feel anything.


Author's corner:

Hey guys! Hope you have an amazing day and enjoy the chapter :)



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