~ Chapter 1 ~

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(A/N:she doesn't look like that but just imagine she is in that position she is sitting in with that outfit on :))

"Hayes put me down!"

"Only if you say that I am the most talented amazing person you have ever met"

"But then I would be lying to you and I don't lie to my best friend!"

"Oh and who is better than me?"

"My mom" I say snotty but still playing around.

"And what makes your mom some much more special than The Hayes Grier?" He said while laughing.

"Because she had enough skill to watch me for 15 years and not get an anxiety attack" I say and I'm pretty sure we both know I'm right.

"Ok you win."he said putting me down in defeat.

He put me on a chair but my feet were on the seat and I was sitting on the top were your head goes.

"I believe you owe me an apology. I state putting my hands on my hips and my chin in the air but still looking at his blue eyes.

"For what? I beat you"

Previously before Hayes picked me up, we were 1v1 in basketball I lost bye 4 points.

"It was not nice to manhandle lady like that!"

We both burst out laughing after a couple seconds. we play like this all the time and we act like a couple but we're not.

"And how could I ever make it up to you?" He said with a British accent as if I was a queen so I played along and stood in my sassy yet royal looking position.

"Well..." I had a smirk on my face.

"We could have a rematch to prove who the real master is."

" With all do respect your highness......YOUR ON!"

And with that we left the back porch and raced to the drive way.

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