Chapter 2

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We continued our tour inside more specifically, on the bottom floor. It was your pretty standard tour apart from interruptions from Millard who was having an argument with Miss Peregrine about putting on clothes that sounded something like:
"Who cares if I'm naked! I'm bloody invisible!"
"That is not the point Mr. Nullings! It isn't at all pleasant having a boy running about the house in the nude invisible or not!"
That sentence got a few laughs and I could tell if I could actually see Millard, he would look as red as a tomato.

The second interruption was a screaming Olive who was stuck on the ceiling and Bronwyn who was trying her best to get Olive down. Bronwyn gave us a friendly wave as we walked by.

Within about ten minutes we had finished with the tour downstairs and moved to the second story of the house. It was going smoothly, first we came to the library.
"This is the Library." Emma said.
"We often have lessons in here because even peculiars need to be educated." Horace carried on.
"Though Jacob never had a lesson here, I suppose he wasn't here long enough."
"It is where Miss Peregrine first told me about you all, like your names and peculiarities though so technically I did get a lesson here." I added.
"Fair enough." Horace replied.
"Cool." Noor said, distracted by her surroundings.

"These are our bedrooms." Emma said as we moved on down the hall. "Fiona's, Clair's, Miss Peregrine's, Olive's, mine and Bronwyn's." Emma pointed at the bedroom doors as she spoke.
"Here is Enoch's, Millard's, Horace's and Hugh's" again, she pointed at the doors as she spoke.
"Make sure to knock on the doors before you enter, especially with Enoch's room. You can probably imagine why." Horace added.
"Right," Emma continued "Jake's room is in the attic."
"Well, it used to be my grandfathers room but I suppose it's mine now." I looked at Emma after I said this because I knew she was touchy on the subject of my grandfather and I think everyone had the same idea as me because we all found ourselves looking at Emma. She was completely fine.
"Guys, I understand why you are staring at me but I'm fine. Please, I'm over him." I didn't know if she was telling the truth or not because I know a couple of weeks ago she definitely wasn't over him. Then again, maybe our breakup gave her something else to get over- me. I know that sounds selfish but maybe seeing me find someone else so quickly made her question if I really did love her and of course I loved her. I still love her, but not the way I used to.
"I wish you felt like that a couple of weeks ago."
CRAP!!! Emma went red with I think both anger and embarrassment and small sparks of fire began to fly from her hands.
"I'm so sorry Emma, please I didn't mean to."
I actually didn't mean to say that, I was just thinking it and then it slipped from my lips.
"It's fine." She said with tears filling her eyes, then she walked off (as calmly as she could) and went into her room. I knew it wasn't fine though and I think everyone else thought that too.
"Let's carry on with the tour shall we?" I asked very keen to change the topic.
"No Jacob." Said Noor "I think you better apologise to Emma."
"Let's finish the tour first, that will give her some time to herself."
"Okay, don't forget though, Emma looked upset."
"You have to tell me what that was all about later too." She added.
"It's a long story but I will try my best."
"Don't worry, we have time."
She said it again, we have time. I felt my face go hot as soon as she said it. This time she noticed.
"Jacob, what's the matter, did I say something wrong?"
"No, it's nothing."
"I noticed you and Emma looking at each other when I said it last time too."
"Said what?" I asked but I already knew what.
"We have time, why do you two react funny when I say that?"
"We don't...react funny when you say that, why would you think that."
"You know what, it doesn't matter." I'm glad she moved on because Horace was beginning to stare.
"I think we should end the tour here." Horace said sensing something was wrong.
"Your room is the one right next to the library Noor."
"Thanks, what's that room down the hall?"
"Oh, that's Victor's room." Horace replied.
"He's, well, he's dead."
"Victor is Bronwyn's brother." I added.
"Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that. Thanks for the tour anyway." She said while walking to her room. I began to follow her but then she stopped me.
"No, your going to apologise to Emma."
"Right, yes. See you later then."
"Bye." She replied.

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