"Birdy, hi. Wanna go for a drive?" Harry exclaims the second I answer, sounding excited but the excitement is clearly nothing but sarcasm.

"Nope." I bluntly answer.

Please leave me alone now, I'm in a good mood.

I literally put on flared jeans and braided my hair whilst listening to Jimi Hendrix on full volume and if that doesn't scream 'girl trying to force happiness into herself' then I don't know what does.

...and to think I was crying my poor little heart out a few hours ago.

"I wasn't asking. We're going for a drive." He says, clearly missing the point of why I said 'nope' and not just 'no'.

How hard is it for men to just read women's minds? God.

"You did ask though. I'm not coming." I smugly tell him, smiling at the fact he's just made a fool of himself.

'Wanna go for a drive birdy?'

'I wasn't asking.'

Oh Harry you really are a funny guy.

"Don't get smart with me sweetheart. I'm outside, you have two minutes." With that being said the line went dead.

Outside? Surely not. What psychopath turns up at somebody's house and calls them from their own fucking car? Harry Styles, that's who. His fancy black car is parked on the pavement at the bottom of my garden, of course it is.

I am not letting a ballsy, hot, coke sniffing, gang leading man with charming words and a pretty face ruin my mood. I'll go into his car, hear what he has to say and I won't get angry. It'll all be fine.

Thankfully it's a beautiful day outside so I don't even take a jacket, I don't need one if I'm just going to his car and back anyway. I'm not going for a drive with him.

Black converse or doc martens?

Doc martens. They go with the black top and flared jeans better.

All this hassle for a trip down my garden to see what Harry has to say, what a lucky guy he is. I'm not going for a drive and I mean it.

Do I lock my door even though I'm just going to be a few metres away? Yeah I'm gonna lock my door, somebody might climb over the fence and get in to steal Willow while I'm not looking. That's the only reason I'm locking it because I am not going for a drive with Harry.

Harry currently looks like the male protagonist in every Rom-Com ever. The messy brown hair, the black sunglasses, the way he's chewing gum so noticeably, the black t-shirt, the arms with scattered tattoos like he's a sketchbook, and of course, the black Range Rover.

He rolls down the window, giving me a better view of that smirk and then he looks me up and down and raises his brows. Did he just...check me out? Harry, that wasn't even discrete you weirdo.

"Birdy's looking cool today, who's the lucky guy?" He asks, biting the inside of his cheek with a grin.

There is no lucky guy. Funnily enough I can actually look good for myself, or willow. Why do guys always think everything women do is for them? Gross.

"Myself. What'd you want?" I reply sternly, crossing my arms in front of my chest.

"Get in." He smiles, nodding his head towards the passenger seat.

"I'm not coming for a drive with you because funnily enough Harry, I do actually have work to do." I say through a sarcastic smile.

I am not getting in that car. He can't tempt me. Not even with a coffee, not even with those bright green eyes, not even with a million pounds, nothing can tempt me into this very fancy car of his.

"I got you a coffee," he says, holding up a Starbucks cup which is clearly full.

"Okay." I smile, walking round the front of his car to hop in.

Why am I like this? Somebody needs to take me to get put down, seriously. This is an absolute joke. A bunch of kidnappers could literally reel me into their big white van full of dead bodies by saying they got me a coffee and I'd probably offer to help them clean up. It's the adult version of being in school when they tell you not to go into a mans white van disguised as a sweet shop.

Am I going insane?

Maybe I should go back to therapy.

"What'd you want?" I ask as I'm sat cupping the warm coffee like a five year old would with a bar of chocolate.

With no warning Harry drives off, turning to look at me with a smirk "Fasten your seatbelt."

So much for 'I'm not going for a drive with Harry.'

I'm in a good mood, I'm calm, I'm collected, everything's fine, everything's normal. Harry is just a guy taking me on a nice relaxing drive where we'll talk about normal people things.

He's listening to The 1975.

Somebody needs to tell me not every man with great music taste is a good man because I see a guy who listens to Fleetwood Mac and The 1975 and suddenly all doubts I have of them disappear.

Not with Harry, my doubts are still very much there. Only now I'm just not doubtful over the music he listens to.

"The Vultures are watching you Harlow. You're essentially one of us now so they're gonna try and scare you at any chance they get." Explains Harry, driving with one hand as his other rests on the box separating our two seats.

If he told me when we made this deal that it would cause me to live in fear I'd have told him to go and fuck himself. I hate myself for not looking into this more, I was blinded by his way with words and the enchanting darkness he had about him. Now I'm standing on a very fine line between danger and feelings, both arguably just as terrifying.

'You're essentially one of us.'

I don't want to be 'one of you'. I want to be happy in my club with no drama or fear of men smashing rocks through my office window. Owen becoming a vulture was bad, but now they're after me the fact that Owen can tell them, everything daunts me.

And it will until I'm able to accept what happened, what I did.

"Don't stress it birdy, just keep flying through life like normal." He smiles reassuringly.

You can not say that after telling me a gang is going to try and scare me at any given moment. I can't even handle Harry sneaking up on me in the club, let alone a scary man I've never even talked to, or even worse; Owen.

I'll keep 'flying through life like normal' when it is normal. Which doesn't look like it'll be soon.

"Easy for you to say." I Mutter back at him.

"Yeah it is." He chuckles. "You're adorable."

Fuck off.

There's a time and a place.

I shoot him back a look of confusion mixed with annoyance and just straight 'what the fuck.'. Sometimes my facial expressions speak louder than words and apparently this was one of those times. Harry immediately wiped the smile off his face and shrugged it off like those words never even fell out of his sweet lips.

"Guess we're not in the mood for jokes today." He sighs, reverting his eyes back to the road with a straight face. "Maybe you're just hangry, let's go get some food."

Oh my god.

I could kill him.

"Fuck off Harry, you dick." My tone was bitter, everything I intended it to be.

Please can someone take my place in this moment in time. Please can someone from up above come and swap spirits with me because I physically can't do this with him.

Time to face my second biggest fear.

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