Chapter 24: The Date Begins!

Start from the beginning

(Y/n) pulls their arm out of her grip and gently cups her face. "D-Deep breaths, Ava..." They whisper. "I know we're both dying inside, but we have to fake it for now, right?"

Ava's face burns red at the contact, but she reaches up to touch their shoulders and give them a small, comforting squeeze. "R-Right..."

"Good..." (Y/n) says with a small smile. "Now let's get this day over with..."

Meanwhile, Andrew and Devon sit up outside of the door. Ava is quick to open the door. "O-Oh my god, Dad, Pop! A-Are... you guys okay?!" She gasps, trying to sound convincing.

Andre and Devon slowly return to their feet and Andrew legs out a tired groan. "Uhh... A-Ava?"

Devon suddenly gasps and rushes forward to Ava, gripping her shoulders. His eyes anxiously flicker between her and (Y/n). "Pumpkin, Beanie, are you alright?!"

Ava let out a nervous laugh. "I should be asking you guys that question... Haha! I accidentally hit you with the doors because I wasn't expecting you guys and..." Her eyes flicker downwards. "I'm just so strong because I've been eating my vegetables like a responsible adult!"

Devon blinks a few times, looking between his children. "Y... You're lying about something..."

"Huh?" Ava asks, her body going stiff.

"I'm your father, I know where your lying." He says, just before the memories came flooding back. "Wait... those boys!"

Andrew's eyes widen in realization. "That's right!" The two storm inside of the apartment, followed by the two anxious residents.

"Where are they?!" Devon demands. "I'll- Huh?" When they all look around, none of the boys were visible. (Y/n) puts a hand over their pounding heart and releases a sigh of relief.

Ava grabs her friend's arm and leads them to stand in front of her dads, just in case. Although, she really couldn't do much to block them as she was vastly shorter then the two men, but being tall... or rather taller is what (Y/n) was for! "Heh, uh... what are you guys talking about? I don't know any-"

But suddenly... the thing the two roommates feared the most happened. Noi stood up from the living room floor with a saddened expression and Pierce rose up beside him. "Ava... I-I broke the camera..."

Ava's mind was immediately sent into a panic and (Y/n) clutched their own arm, trying to keep a calm facade.

"I knew it!" Devon exclaims, looking back at the two boys.

Andrew looks to them as well with a confused yet stern look on his face. "Who are you?"

"Uh, oh no!" Noi gasps before he rushes over to the group, or more specifically to Ava and (Y/n). Pierce stays put behind the sofa, not knowing how to react. He couldn't seem to get a read on the situation based off of (Y/n) and Ava's expressions...

Ava's voice goes up several octaves as she tries to stutter out an explanation. "Dad, Pop, th-this is my, uh..."

Before the ravenette can finish, Noi chimes in. "I'm her boyfriend!"

Andrew's eyes soften as he looks at Noi. "I-I-I'm sorry... her what?"

"I am (Y/n)'s boyfriend." Pierce adds from the back as he begins to make his way over.

(Y/n)'s face burns bright red at the thought and they look to their roommate with fury in their eyes.

"Oh my god, I told them to...!" Ava panics under her breath.

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