A part of her gone?

Start from the beginning

When you found your companion, it wasn't even important if you had romantic feelings for your counterpart, the person got one of the most important people in life, Ella was one of those people who were important. In addition to my family, Ella had become one of the most important people.

"You should try to sleep," I advised Ella, to which she smiled weakly, "I can say the same about you," she replied, while her words almost resembled a whisper, the exhaustion was written in herface. With rather weak movements, she knocked on the half of the bed next to her, what she meant to say was clear, although I had concerns, I got up and helped her to lie down, "I'm right back," I promised her and briefly touched her forehead with my lips before I went to the bathroom.

In the bathroom, I examined the wound that had made me find Ella atall, if the soul-eater hadn't been, who knew if I'd ever got behind where she was?

The wound was almost healed for me, a thin line revealed that there had been a bleeding wound there this morning.

Moved, I re-entered the bedroom and found Ella asleep, she was lying on her right side, her left arm resting protectively over the wound, which healed more slowly than I wished.

Hopefully it would look better tomorrow, otherwise I would have to look for a doctor, whom I could either bribe or manipulateto provide Ella with medical care. A circumstance I had never had to experience before.

When I lay down in bed with her, she opened her eyes and looked at me, it was almost as if she was relieved to see me, as if she was relieved that I was near her.

"Try to sleep something," I advised her, and Ella closed her eyes again, it felt familiar to lie beside her, feel her warmth, hear her heartbeat.

Ella was safe again, the soul-eater had taken something from her, but she was still alive, and she was near me. She was safe.

Was that what made this companion band? That we were attracted to each other? That we felt the urge to be near each other?

Before I could formulate any more thoughts, sleep overwhelmedme.

Ella POV:

Careful not to awaken Elijah, I got up until the teeth together as the pain threatened to gain the upper hand. I hated the dreams that made me feel worthless, no matter how many times I tried to tell myself it wasn't, it was hard.

In the bathroom I leaned against the wall and slipped down it until I sat on the floor, again I had found myself back in my school days, it was just a dream!

But even now, at the age of twenty-nine, I couldn't shake off the old demons, I couldn't even let anyone approach me.

And then Elijah had given me a kiss on the forehead, something he had never done before, I didn't want him to have feelings for me, he should be happy, find someone with whom he could be happy for years, maybe even marry.

I wasn't even initially right for him, I felt like I was in a fan fiction, I was not only tied to Elijah, but also his companion and had probably fallen in love with him. But were these feelings real?

I had never felt anything like this for anyone, the tingling in the stomach area that spread further inside, the warmth when Elijah touched me, the tingling when he was nearby. I had attributed this to my gift and the fact of being his companion, but was that really the case?

°Flashback three months before°

"Ella are you going to eat with something?" Esmeralda asked me, my new colleague at the call center. I didn't even have to check my account stand to know what my answer would be.

"No, I'm sorry, I'm already busy," I answered automatically, and could see the glances thrown at me, some probably out of pity, others were offended. Since I started here and had to make phone calls every day to pay rent and electricity at all, and maybe manage to shop once a month, I had no money left to go out for dinner with colleagues who all spoke different languages than me and a large clique.

"Are you playing Hard to Get?" asked Ben, the only one who, like me, worked every day and supported the same languages as me as I left the building. "No, I really have an appointment," I replied to him, more than ready to put my headphones on and walk home.

"Does it have to do with your tattoo? These signs? If you have a friend, you can say it calmly," Ben accused me of leaving me standing. Why did he think I was playing Hard to Get? I couldn't bear the thought that someone touched me, the only person who had ever touched me and one who had come closer to me than anyone else, was Elijah. But he was in New Orleans as far as I knew.

I had felt safe with Elijah, it had been strange to know him so close, but it hasn't been that it scared me, rather it had been unfamiliar, but it had felt more normalafter some time. If someone tried to touch me, I would automatically back down.

The nightmares didn't get any less, but one thing had nabled up to now, the soul-eater had nitled no more, hopefully that would stay that way.

At that point, I had no idea how quickly I would see Elijah again.

°Flashback End°

I had to face the fact that I had landed not only in a felt fan fiction that my life was, but also one of the protagonists who couldn't cope alone with problems and only one person knew enough to understand what was going on in one.

I was just like the protagonists I had read in fan fiction, a personhad to come to get them to get close or fall in love and that's what I never wanted to be.

I had loved reading fan fiction, but there had never been people like me, I had never read a fan fiction before that someone from my world had landed in another world, one full of magic, vampires, werewolves and witches and what else there was for supernatural beings.

And I? I couldn't even leave the pastbehind.

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