8 (slightly M)

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Even though this situation has now been resolved, Taehyung still has problems with some things. These are now accumulating more and more and one of them is more present than others.

They are both lying on Jeongguk's bed, reading his mother's book, which he continued, and it's impossible to prevent their bodies from touching.

Taehyung notices how his heart starts beating faster again, it happens regularly for some time. The strange thing is that it's only ever the case when he's very close to Jeongguk. When he feels his breath or they gently touch each other. Sometimes it's enough if he's just in the same room and nobody else is with them. He can't explain it, should he pay the doctor a visit about that?

Jeongguk seems to be relaxed, reading aloud and is sometimes even giggling. But he couldn't be more wrong. The prince does this just so as not to be too obvious. Since Taehyung has shown his human side, he has often had wet dreams and then needed to go to the bathroom unseen to clean up the mess before the hybrid woke up. Unlike Taehyung, Jeongguk knows exactly what is going on. He feels very attracted to him, but is afraid to say something because he thinks the feelings are one-sided.

"Ggukie, do you think it's possible that a relationship between me and a human would work out?" Taehyung finds this question harmless but important.

Jeongguk, on the other hand, thinks Taehyung has developed feelings for someone else, so he asks him. Who would ask the one they like, right? That would be too noticeable. "Uh, why shouldn't it?"

A satisfied smile spreads across Taehyung's face, it extends to his eyes. The prince looks at him sadly, but immediately changes his expression when the other's gaze wanders to him.

"I'm glad." Taehyung snuggles up to him, uses every opportunity to touch the prince. Jeongguk is so muscular but still soft, he can't really explain it, it just feels good. This tingling sensation in his stomach also makes him happy, whatever that may be, at least it feels amazing.

Jeongguk almost freezes as Taehyung hooks his arms around him, rubbing his legs against his own. That's not good at all. He holds his breath, trying to keep it from affecting him too much. Oh lord, too late. He moves back and forth slightly, hoping to find a suitable position so as not to make things worse. However, this friction causes exactly the opposite and when Taehyung's warm breath hits his neck, it's over. He jumps up, excuses himself for a moment, and runs to the bathroom. "I'll be back in a few minutes!"

"Take your time, I'm waiting for you here." Taehyung giggles, flips through the book and admires Jeongguk's beautiful drawings.

After the dragon trainer is back, the tension eases and everything is back to normal.

This situation accumulates more often afterwards. It's always Jeongguk who escapes for a while, but Taehyung thinks nothing of it. He must have a weak bladder.

One night, five weeks later, both are alone in the castle; if you don't include the servants. Taehyung has come up with something special. "Hey Jeonggukie."

"Hmm?" He's busy drawing, has discovered something new about nature dragons, and needs to visualize it.

"I have this new book and it describes how two men kiss. How does that feel? Can you show me?" It's a harmless question for him, as is so often the case. He just wants to learn a lot and what's better than doing some things yourself to get to know about it.

Jeongguk almost has a heart attack, of course he knows that the hybrid is inquisitive but that doesn't change the fact that it leaves him speechless. He knows he would stutter now if he said something, so he just laughs.

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