6 (Very Slightly M)

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Taehyung passes Jeongguk silently if you ignore the footsteps that crunch the leaves under his feet.

Both reach the castle after a few minutes, nobody says anything until Jeongguk can no longer take it. "I wish I could read your mind, you are confusing me so much right now that I don't know what to do." He sighs and goes inside. Unfortunately Taehyung has to stay outside but as expected he can already see his head at the windowsill, the dragon looks at him curiously. It's obvious that he's thinking hard about something.

"It's getting dark, should I sing something to you again?" On some days Jeongguk sits on a chair by the window and sings a lullaby to help his dragon fall asleep. Today this seems like a good idea.

'Dal a, dal a' is Taehyung's favorite of all. Jeongguk's voice is just perfect for this song. After the last word is sung, he falls asleep contentedly.

Jeongguk unconsciously places a kiss on Taehyung's nose and goes to his bed to make himself comfortable. It has become a routine to write important notes in the book his mother had started, before going to bed. Today the topic is jealousy, heart racing and oral hygiene. Jeongguk puts it on the bedside table when he's finished and also falls asleep.

He has a strange dream. A naked man, whom he cannot see very clearly, enters his room and lies down in bed with him. It almost seems like it's playing in the future. But what bothers him the most is that his dragon doesn't appear in it, he's not lying on the windowsill as usual. Jeongguk suddenly feels warm, there's a weight on his stomach and over his legs. It's way too real and he's trying to break free from it, to no avail. Everything just gets tighter around him, the strange thing about it is that he now feels comfortable, as if he has longed for it for a long time. Then everything goes black, the dream is over and he falls into an even deeper sleep.

The sun rises hours later and the first rays shine through the window. Jeongguk turns to one side and clutches the person next to him to cuddle. His face is buried in the soft chest and he can feel a hand run through his hair. He hums, savoring the moment until reality hits him.

There's someone in his bed, a human, and it can't be his best friend Jimin. The two have never slept in the same bed together.

He startles and pushes the stranger away from his body. "Who are you and what are you doing here?" Jeongguk searches for Taehyung but cannot find the dragon. "Taehyung!" He shouts his name but all he gets is a giggle from the man who snuggles up to him again.

"What's wrong with you? Oh my god, are you naked?" Jeongguk is about to lift the blanket, but at the last moment decides against it.

The stranger blushes, even if he's not aware of any guilt. Jeongguk squints, takes a closer look at his face and then his eyes widen, "Those spots on your eye, nose and cheek ..." Shakes his head, what he thinks is nonsense, right? To be on the safe side, he asks anyway. "T-Taehyung?"

The man nods wildly, smiles all over his face and pulls the prince on top to hug him tightly.

"Fuck, I'm still dreaming." Jeongguk laughs and relaxes his own body on the naked one. There is no other explanation for this, he must still be asleep.

Taehyung's hands wander over Jeongguk's back, can finally use his fingers and do what he always wanted to do. He pinches the other's buttock and chuckles.

A groan leaves Jeongguk's mouth. "I shouldn't be feeling that when I'm dreaming, so why did I feel that?"

Taehyung repeats the action, pinching him harder this time. Jeongguk rolls out of bed and lands roughly on the floor. "Holy shit! This is not a dream, you are real and you are not a dragon." He points to the admittedly very handsome man and gasps for air. "How? When? Oh my god, I'm out of my mind."

Taehyung lifts the blanket to get up but a hand prevents it. Jeongguk crawled back onto the bed as soon as he noticed what he was going to do and wasn't ready to see his favorite dragon naked.

Wait a second... Taehyung used to watch him come out of the shower and get dressed. He looks at the man and whines. "You- you've seen me naked, probably watched me jer-" Like everyone else, he feels the need to indulge his sexual desires. He masturbated almost every night and Taehyung watched him do it. That's a catastrophe! He's ashamed, can't look him in the eye.

Taehyung is now the one who is confused, doesn't Jeongguk like his human form?

When he heard yesterday that he would kiss him if he were human, he decided to finally shift. Since Taehyung had learned over the weeks that dragons don't usually shift, he wanted to do it at night. He suspected Jeongguk knew what he was, that's why he said the thing with the kiss, didn't he?

However, when he realizes that he is totally wrong, his mood gets worse and he climbs out of bed to shift back to a dragon. It makes him sad, he had hoped to finally get the kiss he had longed for.

Jeongguk notices the change in his mood and holds him tight. "What are you going to do? Talk to me."

Taehyung opens his mouth but only strange noises come out. He had never spoken before and even if he knows the words, his vocal cords aren't used to it.

"Ah, I'm so stupid. Of course you can't speak yet. Don't worry Tete, we'll practice that." Jeongguk is still in shock, but he doesn't want Taehyung to think that he hates this situation. On the contrary, he is happy about it, simply cannot yet really grasp that this is real.

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