~Destiel #15 - Smudged~

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AN - HELLOOOOOOOOOO! Welcome to another one-shot!

I don't know what else to say to be honest. Meh.


Castiel sat in Maths, bored as usual. So he did what he normally did when he was bored, and drew all over his hand.

He drew swirls and spirals and butterflies and bees and flowers and stars and a pair of wings and wrote song lyrics and random quotes. His soulmate was probably furious, but he was soooo bored.

It was the day they got their summer holidays, and, as far as Cas was concerned, those three months of sleeping in and relaxation couldn't come fast enough.

Hopefully the current heat wave would last for a while longer. It would be lovely when he could wear a t-shirt and eat ice-cream all day, but his school uniform was made for cold weather, not 20 degree heat, so he was very uncomfortable and kinda sweaty.

He sighed and leant on his hand, which is not a good idea when you've got sweaty, ink-covered palms.

Which resulted in a red-haired girl in another classroom bursting out laughing when she saw the black-blue-purple smudge on her friend's face.

"What?" her green-eyed friend, Dean Winchester, asked.

"You have a massive ink smudge on your face!" the girl, Charlie Bradbry, choked out through her laughter.

"Where?!" Dean said, alarmed.

"On you cheek!" Charlie poked him and he frantically rubbed at the spot. When nothing happened she added, "It's not coming off, it must have been your soulmate."

Dean pulled out his phone and turned on the camera. He saw the large smudge and sighed.

Then the bell rang, indicating they could leave the torturous place and be free.

Charlie and Dean cheered along with their friends, who were shoving school books into school bags and racing out the door.

"Gotta go, Dean. I have a bus to catch," Charlie said, swinging her bag onto her shoulder, "See you soon!"

"Bye!" Dean called after her, packing the last of his stuff into his bag.

He joined the mass of hot, sweaty, tired people in the corridors, all pushing and shoving, desperate to leave and get their freedom.

As he rounded a corner, he bumped straight into a slightly shorter boy with messy black hair, knocking him back.

"Sorry," Dean exclaimed, and then stopped in shock as he spotted the blob of ink on the boy's left cheek, identical to his own.

"It's fine," the boy replied. He tilted his head slightly, squinting his bright blue eyes, "You have ink on your face."

"So do you," Dean said.

The boy's eyes widened and he frantically grabbed his phone, pulling it out of his pocket and tapping at the screen. He groaned, staring at his reflection before looking up at Dean, and then back at the phone.

Dean held out his hand, the one covered in smudged and faded drawings.

The boy gasped and took a pen from his pocket and wrote something on his arm. Dean grinned as the same writing appeared on his own arm.

It read, 'Castiel Novak, you?'

Dean gently grabbed the pen and wrote, 'Dean Winchester, nice to meet you' under the words.

Castiel looked up and smiled, "Well, Dean, it's lovely to meet you too."


AN - Right, that's that. Hope you enjoyed it.

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