~ Flashback ~

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{ YOUNG Keith POV }

"W...where am I-I..? a-and why can I s-speak well..?" I was under a cherry blossom tree. I had toys with me and I look at myself. I was wearing...school clothes? Where exactly am I? I got up and looked around to see if anyone was there. No one was here just me by myself..."heya!" A ginger hair boy said hanging from a tree. "A-AH!" I fell down hitting my head on the trunk and bottom. "Ow..." it hurt! "Ah! I'm sorry!" He got off the tree "are you ok?" He hand me an hand. "Y-Yeah I'm o-ok..." I looked into his beautiful white eyes. They were...so white. I fell in love with him when I saw his eyes. I took his hand and scratch the back of my head. "What's your name?" I looked at him. "K-Keith. You-?" "Names picono! Call me Pico for short! We are best buds now!" I blushed a little "best buds..?" This was my first time having friends in an while...

{ YOUNG Pico POV }

Keith huh? He has a beautiful name...and such beautiful eyes...no! What am I thinking! I'm into girls no boys! Get that out of your head Pico! I shaked my head. "Keith, wanna go get ice cream?" I happily asked. "Yeah I w-wanna go get ice cream.." he looked shy. I grabbed his hand and run to the ice cream shop. "Let's go best friend! ^^" I wonder why he hid his face under his sweater. Oh well! I'm sure it's nothing.

{ YOUNG Keith POV}

When we were running to the ice cream shop I noticed something behind him...they were...GUNS! TWO GUNS AT LEAST!! How is that possible...? I mean unless those are his fathers but still...guns?! That's crazy!! I wanted to grab one and hold one but by the time I wanted to do that we were at the ice cream shop. "We're here!" Pico happy. Everything looked so yummy and good I wanted to take a bite out of the cookies and cream! "Y-Yummy!" We both went inside and ordered our ice cream. Brrr it's cold! And so was the ice cream! Once we were done we had to head home. "Bye Keith!" Pico waved. "B-Bye pico!" I waved back. "I love you Keith!" And he ran to the other direction. L-Love me..? H-He LOVES ME?? What is that supposed to mean..??? I blushed so hard I looked like a tomato. I went home. Home sweet home. At last...


Okie I'll be sleeping now since it's 1:25 am and I need my rest u-u I promise the next part will be part 3!! I just gonna come up with an idea- and if you guys have ideas then I would be glad to hear! And I made this story like 2 mins ago and already 20 ppl saw this woah- ty and ily all!! Gn/Gm!! ^^

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