Mission Log 7

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I tried hard, you know I care I care, I care-e-e-e
Just a little poor me-e-e-e
Just a little poor me
Mirror, mirror on the wall I'll make sure you crack and fall
I made strides don't call me sweet Chaos organizes me
I can see you're wondering oh why (Oh, it's such distaste!)
When I'm with you I crumble...

The music was blasting on max volume in his ears. The feeling to connect to a song that describes the past he had, what he went through, the events his done. Every time he was training, he was listening to music, it made him concentrate more and get more out of his training. It didn't mater if he was laying down, seated in a chair or standing or if it was a 200, 600, 1000 or even 2000m shot, he always hit his target. Disbite the fact that the people around him could could hear his music, he didn't get fazed by the chatter he heard some times. The people around him, that watched him just laying there, the concentration he had was amazing.

He breathe in.....

Breathe out....

Timing his heart beat...


He stood up and took a couple of deep breathes, taking off his headphones and reloading. He turned around and all he could see where the agabed mouth of the class he was ordered to protect.

"is everything alright" he questioned.

"..." he got no answer.

"well done stalker, you broke them" a voice said from behind him. As the sniper turned to the direction from where the feminine voice came from, he smiled at the female that stood in front of him. The girl had long pink wavy hair, blood shot pupils and a pair of glasses. Her slender figure was the resembeling of a godes and she stood at a hight of 165 cm.

"hey halo" the mop of green hair greeted her as he took out his mag.

"my, my Stalker, what did we talk about" the girl crossed her hands as she walked up to him.

"to show more emotions, I know halo" he answered her as he was looking at the part of the target where he hit.

"WHAT THE HELL" the class shouted suddenly, catching the two soldiers off guard. The students where looking at the two soldiers, stalker was standing there giving them a death glare and halo who was cought off guard the most, hiding behind him.

"stalker who's that" ashido questioned him with a smirk.

"whipe that smirk of your face, the girl behind me is halo, my medic from  my squad...." he pointed out.

"and if anything happens to me big bro is ganna fuck you up-" halo said proud, but unfortunately she got slapped at the back of her head.

"I told you so many times not to swear halo"

"come on stalker, don't be like that, you swear all the time but you scold your sister" todorokis pointed out.

"HOW THE HELL IS THAT YOUR SISTER, YOU SHITTY NERD. YOU DON'T EVEN LOOK-" unfortunately for bakugo he was cut off and stumbled back. Blood ran down his face.

"listen up" kAacHAn", you don't know anything about me and if you even try something *midoriya took out his glock and aimed at bakugo* I'll end you right where you stand. DO. YOU. UNDERSTAND. ME" he gave him a morderes look.

"YOU DON'T EVEN - *BANG*-AAAHHHHHHH" everyone had a horroed look on there face, from what just happened. They saw how stalker demolished bakugos Kneecap.

"Don't try me katsuki or I'm going to destroy your other niko, niko kneecap" midoriya mocked him. Halo tryed running up to him and heal him, but she got yanked back.


"that's sounds more like a his problem, stay down halo, that's an order. The bastard can take care of himself if he thinks he's all so mighty. Your a military medic not a school nurse, you have a mission to attend to, your not here for babysitting" with that said stalker packed his things and left the shooting range. Elements was close behind. Halo just clenched her fists as she looked at the ash blond boy laying there. She was hesitant, but lastly she couldn't go against her squad leader and followed shortly after him. The only thing that stopped her from leaving was yaoyorozu as she ran past her, trying to catch up with her brother.

"Mr. Aizawa shouldn't you call Recovery Girl or something" uraraka questioned him with worry in her eyes. The teacher on the other hand just walked past her.

"she's already informed, the medical bots aren't that fast, but they should be here any minute" he pointed out and left, leaving his class behind. As he stood at the door of the shooting range, he turned around one more time.

"class dismissed" with that said he left. The class was speachless, first one of there classmates got shot and second there teacher didn't give a dam about it. They stayed with there classmate unti the medical bots arrived.

At the other side of the school, there was a different issue. Some of the upperclassmen blocked the way and didn't let reki or jade alone. The two snipers where struggling a bit, but kept there compositor. Unfortunately for them the teacher got wind of it and tryed braking them apart. The most of them left but some of the third years didn't let go of them and tryed taking them with them. The last think one of them could hear was a gunshot as he felt in credible pain in his leg. They heard a reload and both the teachers and students turns its direction. They saw a very pissed off midoriya.

"let them go..." he stated.

"or what" one of the upperclassmen got cocky around him. Midoriya didn't say anything, he simply pointed his sniper at him and shot at him, in a blink of an eye. The bullet graced the students face.

"or the next one lands between your eyes" he pointed out as the bullet case clancked on the Cement floor.
"reki, jade, if they don't budge... *he smirked at them as he released a shivering bloodlust*... If they don't budge force is allowed" and with that said both reki and jade slammed the two students that where hitting on them into the wall beside them. The two girls grabbed their guns and made their way over to their captain.
Before they could leave yaoyorozu jumped stalker and tackled him down.

"GOD damit ma'am, with all do respect, could you not do this" he groaned in pain.

"NO, WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU. YOU CAN'T JUST SHOOT SOMEONE IN THE KNEECAP ARE YOU MENTALLY INSANE" yaoyorozu gorillad his  Shirt and pulled him up toward herself.

"yes I am and I consider not changing that" he answered her and pushed her off. As he got back up and grabbed his gun, he left the area without saying another word.

End of chapter

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