Mission Log 2

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3rd person pov

"Being a sniper is never easy, but that didn't stop me from doing it" he chuckled to himself. "besides there are far worse things, am I right candy cane"

"your a dumbass do you know that and would you stop calling me candy cane already" his teammate stated. The two soldiers where laying in a ditch, beaten up and under fire. The taste of metal and gunpowder was in the air, bullets where flying and you could hear multiple machine guns roaring through the air.

"~airstricke ready boys~"

"hear that element that's our que" with that said the soldier bolted out of the ditch and into a nearby building, his teammate made a ice wall to cover him, avoiding the rain of bullets that where following him close behind.

"your a crazy Son of a bitch stalker" element shock his head. Seconds later you could hear the explosions of missiles penetrating the ground.

"~CAS successfully executed, ready to head home boys, UH-1D inbound ready to pick you up~"

"hear that, mission was a success" stalker stated and headed out of the building. As the two of them headed twords the helicopter, they where greeted by giggles.

"hey boys, the general wanted to speak to you two in private" she giggled.

"well shit" both of them said as the three of them entered the chopper. As they landed in HQ the two soldiers made there way to the general. They didn't bother to change, because they knew if the general called for the two of them specifically, they knew they fucked up.

"I hope we don't get another nightshift man" stalker wind.

"stop being a crackhead and get your shit together" element pissed at him. As the two of them where standing in front of the generals office, stalker hesitantly reached out to knock on the door. Element pissed that off, he slapped his hand away and nocked himself.

"come in" After entering the room the two Saluted.

"at eas you two.... *they relaxed and got themselves ready to listen to the bullshit they produced*.... Izuku midoriya..... Shoto todoroki.... I have called you two here not to give you hell..... I have called you two for a different reason... You may come out now, nezu, eraserhead" the general pointed out. From a secondary room entered a White animal hybrid the room, behind him a homeless looking person that needed clearly sleep.

The two soldiers with questionable looks on there face, looked at them. As they brought there gaze back to the general, he stood up and opened a mission file.

"OK you two, this will be discussed in privat, but I will reveal the news later to HQ.... I, General yoshimichi hara announce to you, izuku midoriya, aka callsign stalker and todoroki shoto, aka callsign element to a long term  mission. Your mission is to protect the first years of UA-high, the both of you will be attending class. Due to both of you being the age of 16 years old, you will be pulled out of commission until forther notice, I can't allow myself to let teenagers to be on the front lines any longer. Both of you just made it out of a suicide mission in Nagoya. If something may come up and we need you two, the long term mission will be put on hold until the threat is executed. Both of you are allowed to bring your weapons and gear, lethal force is allowed if it needs to be used and the most important part, remember this is a school for upcoming heros, they won't kill, you two on the other hand are soldiers, remember that there is a difference" yoshimichi stated.

"you two will be put in class 1a, both of you have full access on school grounds" nezu chimed in.

"I have one question" midoriya stated.
"where are we deployed".

"both of you will be deployed in mustafa-"


"well I can understand your reasoning, but the reason I requested the both of you is due snipe. He requested you for your marksmanship and skill with a gun" eraserhead stated.

"I have a condition to make, I will only come along if stalker goes and if there is a shooting range" todoroki stated in his monotone voice.

"that can be arranged" smiled the white hybrid animal.

"so what do you say stalker, they will have a shooting range where you can let of some steam, plus I'm sure there will be some hot chicks at the school you might like. If the squad can't finde you a suitable girlfriend here then maybe you will finde one there" todoroki has a small grin on his face. He lifted up 3 fingers and counted down.

"motherfucker, fine I don't care ill go on the fucking mission, but if something comes up and the school is on lockdown, I will have control and will do it my way" midoriya stated.

"that can be arranged Mr. Midoriya" nezu smiled. Midoriya started to head out if the room, but stopped in the door way.

"oh and a second thing... Make sure neither endeavor or all might are in my or Elements sight... Could be bloody" with that said he left the room, leaving the four behind.

"im sorry for his behavior, but I join in on his statement. I won't hesitate to kill either of them" todoroki followed shortly after midoriya.

As the two soldiers left the room, eraserhead and nezu turned there attention back to the general.

"so with that out of the way, let's go down to the important part... What are there quriks and there grudges against the two pro heros" eraser head wanted to know.

"this is normally classified information, but since you will have them as students you might as well be informed. Izuku midoriya was recruited at the age of 8 and is quirkless, he had a hard life and isn't in any government papers written down. The only information you would get if you Search up his name is the day he died. He faked his death and came in contact with me shortly after. The reason for his doings are still unknown. Since he is here he built himself a big reputation, he's one of the best snipers we have, hence the callsign stalker. As for shoto todoroki... He's here since his 10, he ran away from home and midoriya bumped into him on a rescue mission. His quirk, half-cold half-hot. One side of his body emits fire while the other creates ice, hence the callsign elemet. The reason why he ran away from home.... abuse" nezus and eraserheads eyes widened as they heard that. They could image the number two hero being a abusive father, but on the other side he's a agresive person. As for midoriya they wondered why he faked his death.

"that's all the information I will give you the rest I won't give over quite so easily. But I might as well ad one more detail..." the general trailed off.

"what might that be" wondered eraserhead.

"captain izuku midoriya has a kill count of 1474 and commander shoto todoroki's kill count is 1074" the general stated.

"We will keep that in mind, we will take our leave now, have a good day general and thank you for protecting this country"

End of chapter

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