A Day In The Life Of Lena Luthor

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Lena had been sitting in her office working late, again, and she expected to be sleeping on the couch in her office. However, her mother had other plans that would likely have Lena spending the night on a cold floor.

At around three in the morning, two bulky, heavily armed men stormed into L-Corp. As nobody was working Lena was oblivious to the fact that they had entered, and continues to work. A few minutes later, the men barged into Lena's office and went to restrain her.

"Get off me, you bastard!" She shouted when thing one tried to grab her arms.

"The big boss wants you alive... but I think she can make an exception if you were to resist," thing two snickered while pointing a gun at Lena. She decided to play along in hopes of getting into Cadmus and hopefully steal some information.

"Alright, alright, I'll come, but you must put the gun down," she put her hands up in surrender. Thing one hauled her to her feet while dragging her towards the door.

"Well, that was easier than I thought. I contemplated that Lillian Luthor's daughter would've put up more of a fight," the two thugs brought Lena to a black van where they tied her up. The trio had begun their trip to Cadmus.

Once they arrived, Lena was deposited on a hard stone floor in a cell. She gained a few scrapes on the knees from being unceremoniously on the ground. Lena sat up and studied the room she was in trying to assess the situation.

There was a small black vent bolted to the roof that Lena wouldn't be able to fit through. Although, the cell door was an electric lock, and there was a loose piece of metal hanging from a cot on the left side the room. Lena figured she could use the metal to open up the back of the lock before switching the wires to make the cell door open.

Lena put her plan into action, and before she knew it she was well on her way to the computer room. Lena hid a flash drive in her boot just before she was brought to Cadmus. She planned on using it to download data from the computer systems in order to aid the DEO in dinging them. Lena quickly navigated her way through the narrow hallways to the mainframe.

Once inside, she plugged the USB into one of the computers as well as waited for the download to be completed. While she was waiting a door opened and a tall woman with dirty blonde hair entered.

"Well, well, well, look who got out," Lillian exclaimed.

"I always was smarter than you mother. I used metal from the cot to open up the digital lock before rewriting it to open," the younger woman declared.

"I guess I'll have to attain stronger containment once we end this little break out of yours," the eldest Luthor sighed.

"You won't get the chance," Lena had noticed that the download finished. She gave Lillian a hard hit to the jaw, and grabbed the flash drive prior to running to get out of the horrid place as fast as she could. Lena had to take down a few guards on her way out, but thanks to her self-defence lessons she made it out unscathed.

Lena gifted the USB to the DEO, and went back to L-Corp to finish what she had been working on in the first place. Eventually, the DEO was able to apprehend Lillian which made National City a lot safer for both aliens and humans alike.

A Day In The Life Of Lena LuthorWhere stories live. Discover now