(Chapter 8) Picture of Mr. Collins

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A/N: I am going to start with the ending from the last chapter just so that everyone knows where we are in the story! :)


We crept silently down the stairs and could hear the footsteps echoing in the kitchen. Making our way through the dining room, we tip toed over to the kitchen door. I rounded the corner quickly, baton raised, in hopes of having the element of surprise. The familiar face in front of me caused my baton to drop to the kitchen floor with a sound that reverberated off of the kitchen walls.


My dad's clear blue eyes sparkled as soon as the look of confusion had disappeared from his face. I stumbled towards him and he wrapped his arms around me pulling me into one great big hug. I had almost forgotten how tall he was until I felt my feet being lifted from the ground as he hugged me tightly.

"Claire Bear," was the only thing that he said while he gave me the much needed hug.

"Dad! Your back? For how long?" I asked hesitantly as he set me back onto me feet. "Long time no see." I mumbled loud enough for him to hear me but too quiet for Abby or Hannah to hear.

He smiled slightly and reached forward to tuck a strand of hair behind my ear. "Your growing up so quickly. I swear you look more and more like your mother more and more each day." With that, he turned from me and walked out of the room. Completely ignoring my question.

I turned to Hannah and Abby who had lowered their attack weapons and were staring at me dumbfoundedly. I tilted my head at Hannah in an attempt to see if she could possibly know he was back so early. She shrugged and took Abby by the wrist, pulling her from the room.

Turning on my heel, I followed in the direction that my dad had gone in. I was pretty sure that he would be in his study, seeing as that was the place he spent most of his time in. Well, whenever he was here that was where he stayed. I tapped on the door quietly but when I did not get an answer, I twisted the knob slowly and walked in. (My family isn't really big on privacy. Well,my mom always was. Maybe that is why my dad and I no longer feel the need to keep anything from   anymore.) His desk chair was facing away from the door, so I took that as my cue.

I kicked the door shut with my foot and sat in one of the chairs that faced his desk. He jumped a little when the door slammed shut and I smirked a little at the thought of having surprised him as well. Not that a slammed door could compare to him returning home so suddenly after he was scheduled to be in Milan for the next four months.

His chair swiveled around to face me and my smile faltered a little. I had not noticed it earlier since I had been so caught up in seeing him but now that I was sitting accross from him, I couldn't help noticing the haggard look on his face. His eyes were blood shot and his face was gaunt and more wrinkled than ever. He had dark circles under his eyes and a few gray hairs splattered  randomly through his hair and beard.

He pulled the corners of his mouth into a smile. "Happy to see your dear old dad, huh?"

Old? Yeah that's what it was. He looked much older than the last time I had seen him even though it had only been two months ago. He was only forty-three. So why did he look so old? I laughed and shook my head. "Yep! Just wondering why your back so early. Not that I'm complaining! Did something happen?"

He shook his head showly, "No I just need a break. I haven't been getting much rest with all of the new law firms we have been setting up over seas. I decided to take some time off to see my little girl! I also need the rest!" He laughed and began to continue, "I will be leaving next week though so you don't have to worry about me ruining any of your fun!"

"Like that could happen! Well it's late so I guess I will just talk to you tomorrow." More like interrogate him tomorrow. "I have a friend over so me and Hannah were just having a sleep over."

He nodded and waved a hand over his desk. "Well I'm going to get back to work and get some rest."

Pushing myself up from the plush little chair, I walked over and gave him a quick hug. I didn't feel the need to mention that he was on vacation and "working" was not a part of that. Instead I smiled brightly and left the room.


Author's Note:


Picture of Claire's dad in the link! (Patrick Dempsey)


Fan me if you really want to make me smile! Night!

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