(Chapter 10) Picture of Brandon

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A/N: I officially have to get all of my wisdom teeth removed! I scared! -_______-  Anyways, here's the next chapter for you all! My amazing fans! Thanks for the votes! Emerald is currently on page 10 of "What's Hot"! Lets try to move it to page 1? Just maybe? Thanks for all of the votes! You guys are amazing! DEDICATED TO KATT29 (Read her stories! They're all so freaking amazing and original! My favorite is Riddle Me This and Hello, My Name Is Mr. Right... My Ass) AND ROXYCHICK (Her stories are completely and utterly wow. Her story The Button Trilogy: Rewind, is a must read!) Also dedicated to my grandma who is my new biggest fan! Haha :D

Happy Reading!     -TayMonet


I stood in Abby's bathroom, changing into one of her many bikinis. The one I had chosen was all black except for the little silver skulls that dangled from the strings on the bottoms and the little silver hoop that was in between my breasts on the top. It was simple and yet very cute. After I finished rubbing in my sunscreen, I pulled on a pair of Abby's shorts, seeing as how none of us had dressed appropriately for the beach.

By the time I had finished getting dressed, everyone else was out in the car waiting for me. 'Geez, did I really take that long to get ready?' I wondered in my head as I pulled Abby's house door shut. I climbed into the front seat and strapped my seat belt. Abby had all of the towels with her in the back seat and she also had brought a few T-shirts to throw over our bikinis.

Noticing that Brandon was gawking at me, I reached into the back and grabbed the first shirt that I came across.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer." I smirked at him as I pulled the over sized t-shirt over my head.

He turned away from me and fixed his eyes ahead of him. I wasn't sure but it kind of looked as if he was blushing. No, he couldn't be blushing. Why would he be? I leaned p against the window and pressed my cheek to the coor hard surface as Brandon started the car. A song came on the radio as he began to back down the driveway.

"Turn it up!" Hannah shouted from the back seat.

I heard the music get louder and all of a sudden Abby screeched loudly, causing Brandon to swerve.

"What's wrong Abby!?!" Brandon was looking around frantically while trying to drive as well.

Abby smiled slowly before saying, "Sorry I didn't mean to scare you. I just love this song!"

Hannah and Abby sang along in the backseat while Brandon and I laughed at how terribly high pitched both of their voices were. Hannah was more on tune than Abby, who was singing what could only be referred to as "her own version" of the song. Hannah sang all of the right words, while Abby made up her own words for the ones that she didn't know.

After what seemed to be only five minutes (with the speed that Brandon was driving), we pulled into the parking lot that was nearest to the beach. Abby was the first out of the car. She had all of the towels stuffed into one tiny beach bag slung over her arm and her other hand was placed firmly on top of her head, holding her hat in place. She ran towards the beach and the sundress that she had thrown over top of her bathing suit was billowing and whpiping around her body.

Hannah hoped out of the car and chased after Abby. Her hair looked like a curtain of black blowing out behind her as she ran. Thanks to her long legs, she caught up to Abby almost immediately and tackled her into the sand. Nest to me, Brandon started laughing and unconsciously grabbed my hand.

"You ready?" He turned towards me and smiled kindly.

"I can swim. You don't have to worry about me. I think I'm just going to sun bathe." I said thoughtfully as I pulled my hand away and started to get out of the car.

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