Chapter 11, Partying and Crashing

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Jughead's Point Of  View: 

When we get to the Wyrm we all walk in and go straight to the bar, we order ourselves drinks and then Sweets orders a tray of random drinks, we walk into the 'Serpent lounge' we reserved for the whole night this time, meaning Hog Eye wouldn't be kicking us out later tonight. I sit beside Betty and put my arm around her, Betty is sitting beside Kevin who is sitting beside Fangs. On the other couch Cheryl, Veronica and Toni are all sitting together. Sweet Pea comes back with the drink tray and sits down on the single chair. "So, what do you guys want to do..?" Veronica asks shyly but with a slight smirk. "how about.. we play truth or dare again, but how about everytime someone asks truth or dare they have to drink one whole glass of these mystery drinks, and if they don't drink the whole cup they have to strip one item of clothing?" Toni suggests. Everyone nods yes and Toni starts off, "ok, truth or dare... Sweet Pea" "dare" "Ok, I dare you to trade one piece of clothing from anyone in this room, but it has to be a girl" she says with a laugh well picking up a random cup and chugging it, she flinches and says "vodka" faintly and then puts the cup down. "deal. Veronica" he says with a smirk, I can tell he chose her just so she would take of an item of clothing in front of him. Veronica stands up and takes her crop top off leaving her in her laced black bra and says "have fun getting that on" then she grabs Sweets shirt and puts it on. Sweets squirms his way into the crop top and laughs well trying to breathe, "very.. comfy" he says sarcastically. "Truth or dare... Cheryl" Sweets says, "hmm, I'm down for some chaos so, dare" Cheryl replies. "Ok, I dare you to pick one of the mystery glasses and chug it in one sip only." Sweet Pea says with a grin. "Fine, but if I puke it will be on you and your crop top." She replied with a laugh, she got up and scanned all of the glasses, she picked a red drink and chugged it all in one sip, she squinted and opened her eyes back up, she made an "egh" noise and picked up the face down card under the spot where the cup was and read "'red velvet cupcake flavoured bailey's' that was gross" she sat back down in between Veronica and Toni, she looked around for some to question and connected eyes with Fangs, "well, well, well... Fangs, truth. or. dare?" she asked very confidently well picking up another cup to drink, "uhm lets go with truth." Fangs replies, "how boring of you, but fine. Tell us the truth about your little thing with Kevin" he looks down, and then at Kevin. Kevin nods and Fangs speaks up, "well um, we-we are dating again b-but, I'm moving away." "What?!" I shout "y-yeah my mom wants to move to Greendale for some weird reason." "dude, come live with me" Sweets replies, "I don't know, I don't want to disturb you and your family" Fangs says shyly, "you won't be disturbing anything, my parents gave me the house, they moved." Sweet Pea tells Fangs, "wow, uhm ok! I'll let my mom know and start packing!" Fangs says happily. Kevin looks at him and smiles, "ok, Veronica truth or dare?" "lets go for dare." She smirks. "Ooh, rebel Veronica is coming out" Betty says well smirking at her, "I dare you to spin around, with your eyes closed and we will all stand up, the first person you touch you have to kiss for 10 seconds." Fangs says well grabbing a glass, he chugs it and makes no facial expression. "Deal" Veronica replies, she stand up and spins around with her eyes closed, we all stand up and move around into different spots and wait to get touched by Veronica who is now walking around aimlessly with her eyes shut, she bumps into someone and laughs, the person she bumped into laughs too and just by that laughs she says "betty?" well opening her eyes. "yup." betty laughs, "whatt it's not like it is the first time." Betty tells Veronica who was looking at the floor, she looks up and laughs. They pull each other in and kiss for what seemed to be 10 seconds, when they pulled apart Toni laughs and says "now that, that was hot" Betty and Veronica sit back down and Veronica scans the room for someone to choose, her eyes land on me. "Jughead, truth or dare?" Veronica asks me well grabbing a mystery glass and drinks it, right away she spits it out in front of her, she looks up at Betty who immediately start laughing like crazy. "You know what that means" Toni says to Veronica. "Fine, I will take off Sweet Pea's top." She takes it off, once again leaving her in a laced black bra. "Dare." I say. 

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