Chapter Four

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Edric woke up early to help Emira braid her hair. As he combed it to a debatable degree of success, Emira asked him all kinds of questions.

"What was my favorite color?"

"It was yellow."

"Did I like music? I don't remember."

"You were always playing that stupid piano." Edric chuckled.

"Where is my piano Eddy?"

Edric hadn't heard that nickname in a long time.

"It's being repaired across town." He lied. "I'm sure our new home will have a beautiful piano inside."

Emira looked down at the dress she was wearing. It was new, with sunflowers embroidered into the skirt.

"You like the dress? Lillith made it for you."

"Why am I all dressed up?"

"Because you are going on a date."

"A date? With who?"

"Viney. She's in love with you, but you can't tell her I told you, okay?"

Emira shrugged.
"But I don't remember her."

"I know. But she's missing you. Or at least who you were."

Emira tried to find her reflection in the mirror.
Who am I now?

"Come on, Em. Let's go wake up Amity and Luz. I bet they're still asleep."

The twins tip-toed into the room. Amity and Luz lay on the bed, holding one another. Edric tried to stifle his laughter, reaching for Amity to shake her awake.

As Edric's hand graced her shoulder, Luz shot up, hitting Edric in the face.


Luz snapped awake.
"Oh my goodness! Did I hurt you? It was a knee-jerk reaction I-"

Amity cackled loudly as her brother held his bleeding nose.

"It's not funny!"

"It's a little funny." Eda yawned. "Now, who wants to go raid the dining hall?"

"Me!" Luz cheered, sprinting out of bed.

The dining hall was huge, as if it were built to hold all of the Isle residents inside. In the back of the room was a large stage with red curtains. Large lights were mounted to the ceiling.

"It's like a theater. I love theater!" Viney squealed.
"They must do shows during dinnertime. You attract more of an audience that way."

Lillith passed breakfast plates to everyone.
"Then it's settled. Everyone can go sight-seeing today and we'll all meet here for dinner."

"Sounds like a plan." Amity nodded.
"Are you sure you don't want to come with us, Lillith?"

"Oh no, Dear. Maybe some other day."

Luz and Amity linked hands and took off. Emira and Viney followed behind.

The most popular town on Titan's Hip was just as tourist-y as Luz imagined it to be. On all sides were small pastel-colored shops that sold candy, toys, tie-dyed t-shirts.

"You want to spend all your money here, don't you?" Amity joked.

"Absolutely. Yes."

"I was actually never allowed to buy anything here." Amity shrugged. "Mother said it was all garbage I didn't need."

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