Start from the beginning

I eyed her before pouting a little. She was very pretty. She didn't even look like she was having health issues. According to my mom, she's only going to be in here for two more weeks and then they finally get to take her home.

She's had to stay at the hospital all this time because everytime she's healthy enough to go home, something else comes up. Lately, it's been her breathing. Her lungs haven't been working right.

"She's so pretty.." I said.

"Right?" Kamiri said. "She look like me.." He said.

"She definitely looks like mommy.." I said. She started to move around some in her sleep. Fear flooded through my body as my eyes widened. "I'm going to drop it!" I blurted out.

"No you not. You doing fine.." Kamiri said.

"Calm down.." Dejhari said.

"Why is it moving? Tell it to stoppp.."

"She tryna see who the fuck skinny ass arms is holding her.." Kamiri replied, I frowned.

"Please fat boy.." I said mugging him.

"I'm not fat. I'm muscular.." He said, Dejhari laughed.

"You wanna hold her?" I asked looking at him. "She doesn't like me.." I said, he smacked his lips.

"You not talking to her."

"What am I suppose to say?" I asked curiously. "She's not going to understand anything I say anyway.."

"Just talk to her. She can't understand if she never heard it before.." He said eyeing me, I pushed my lips to the side as my eyes shifted to her.

I noticed she was staring at me with a small pout.

"Hi Kaneeya.." I greeted. "I'm Kataleya, your big sister.." I said with a smile. She blinked at me.

"I would show you my nails but I don't wanna drop you and bust your head open.." I said, she cracked a smile causing me to gasp. "She smiled at me!"

"Keep talking to her.." He said.

"She don't even smile at me.." Kamiri said.

"Do she smile at mommy?" I asked, Kamiri shrugged.

"She only been here to see her 3 times.." He said.

"Really?!" I asked in shock.

"Yeah. She tryna focus on walking. She wanna be walking by the time Nene come home but she need to slow down cause she been pushing herself like real hard.." He said, I sighed.

"That's sad.." I said with a pout.

"You coming home tonight?" He asked, I nodded.

"Yes, I'm coming home tonight. I'll talk to her.." I said.

Being paralyzed is taking a toll on my mom and I've been able to tell for a while now. I didn't know what to do to help her, I've been reading but a lot of the stuff just doesn't make sense to me.

I feel like I wanna help my mom but I don't know how to help her. She barely ever cried in front of me or done anything like this so I was lost. Since she's become paralyzed, I feel like our relationship just isn't there anymore.

She can't hold a conversation with me for long and sometimes she barely even looks at me. I don't understand what's going on but I want my mom back.

I want her to start feeling better because she's clearly. it herself and I don't like that. I'm worried about her well-being and I know Crunchy is too.

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