I wanted to help her, I would want to help any girl that was getting treated like shit. No one should have to endure such abuse. But, she wouldn't let me, I tried multiple times to convince her to let me assist her—she always shut me down. As soon as I would bring the topic up she would either leave, or not talk to me for a very long time. I knew that if I went to Hawk about it—he would take it out on her. If that happened, I wouldn't be able to forgive myself.

"I think he's abusing her." Is all I said, I didn't want to go into detail about it. A man should never treat a woman in such a horrific way that Hawk treats her.

Snape's walls stayed up.

"Is that all you wish to tell me Draco?" He picked up his quill again and returned to writing.


"Yes." I nodded, leaving the potions professor alone in his classroom.

I could still taste the honey on my lips.


Athea POV

I made a mistake.

I resisted for so long, had myself withstand the urge to let go. But, it became too much for me to handle. I'm not sure if it was the situation, with seeing Nolan make love to another girl, or my new-born fascination with the blonde slytherin boy—but it happened.

Now that I had a taste, maybe my growing curiosity of Draco would fade. A taste might if been all I needed and as long as no one knew about our interaction, things would hopefully go back to normal.

"Blaise!" Mila was enraged, she stood up from where we sat on my dorm bed. "Give me some fucking galleons so I can buy a shotgun and blow that motherfuckers head off!" I swear I could see smoke steaming from her ears.

"No need, I'll kill that twat with my bear fucking hands!" Blaise seethed.

Both my best friends were fuming once I told them about spotting Nolan cheating on me with Lavender. Mila forced me to confess because she could tell I was not my usual self. For the rest of the holidays I had barely left my room at her Home. I spent most of my days in the middle of four walls, curled up in bed with no motivation. Mila would not stop bugging me until I told her what was making me feel so dreadful.

Today was the day I had revealed the truth to her.

Not the whole truth of course.

"No guys, please just leave it." I didn't want them going to Nolan. He didn't even know that I knew about him cheating, and if he knew I told them he would be beyond angry. I didn't want to have to deal with his wrath.

"No! What he did is completely fucked up!" Mila threw her arms in the air, annoyed. "He doesn't deserve you Thea, you can do miles better than him. You need to dump him!" Her anger was pulsing.

"You know I can't do that." I shook my head, bringing my knees to my chest. "My father wouldn't allow it."

"Well, your father is just as much a prick as Nolan is. No offence." Blaise was cracking his knuckles.

"Okay, if you can't break up with him." She sat next to me on the bed, fire in her eyes. "Then we are gonna have to find a way for him to break up with you."

"And how exactly do I do that." I rolled my eyes, knowing that Nolan wouldn't break up with me—he liked the hold he had on me. Plus, I hadn't been single for a long time, I didn't know how to support my own weight.

"You do exactly what he did to you." Mila smirked.


Once Mila had told me her plan I laughed. Her idea was scandalous, but something I did expect coming from her. The scheme she had constructed was for us both to find out the route Nolan was given to patrol by Umbridge, then have him find the two of us making out. At first I denied her offer, but then she told me she would do all the talking once he had found us. I didn't mind that we would be making out, we were best friends and it was almost normal for us both. I never felt uncomfortable in her presence, she had a talent to bring comfort to anyone she befriended.

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