Vigilante On The Job

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It had been over three weeks since anyone had seen the pesky vigilante, and it honestly surprised the underground hero how good the young man was at evading them. Wolf Spider hadn't become such a problem that the Hero Commission would call on limelight heroes, but more and more police departments were aware of the man's abilities, his presence among the public. Aizawa himself had been called onto the case less than two months ago.


As he jumped through his late-night patrol, he passed a church, reading one thirty-four on the large clock. Got another four hours to go, he thought bluntly, letting the night wind tug at his long black hair, cutting through his golden goggles like piercing knives to his eyelids. It was colder tonight, and he carefully huddled the fabric-alloy of his support item around his neck, acting more like a scarf now than most other nights.


As one of the many heroes in Japan, Aizawa knew he should be expecting the unexpected in his line of business -even the possibility of encountering death each night - but he hadn't predicted seeing a silhouette a few feet above him on another building, huddled in a patch of dappled shade under a tree. A rooftop garden. The door lantern illuminated the shape of a small person. Orange light blurred through the tree leaves, casting a hue of amber across the pale coat the figure wore, bringing out the bright apricot rims around the tall collar.


The building was new, with no rough footholds or overgrown plants to climb from, it was immaculate, and there was no quiet way of reaching the top. Aizawa contemplated just launching himself up there, the gap between these rooftops was at least three meters apart. Easy enough, but he hasn't been on that building before, it could be alarmed or there could be a trap- 


Light sobbing cut through his train of thought. It sounded like the crying of a young kid. Aizawa focused, and could finally make out the shape being that of a child. Why she was there wasn't immediately obvious, and he was worried if there was any ill objectives she may have, especially with the active water works.


About to climb up, Aizawa froze as the girl startled, exclaiming in shock. But she hadn't seen him. Her back was to him, so who…?


"Hey, sorry for scaring you." A barely visible head poked into his vision. Aizawa watched as the new arrival pulled themselves over the edge, perching on the roof next to the child. Sharp chestnut marks caught in the light, almost golden on the black hoodie and glittering sky.


The kid immediately leaned against who he knew was Wolf Spider, crying in his arms.


Change in plan


Silently, he moved onto the rim of the building and decided to listen. He knew he should've kept a recorder or earpiece on him for eavesdropping on these conversations, it would've been beneficial to the investigation of the vigilante. He'd learn from this though and would request some more hero-grade equipment when he got home.


"M'sorry. Sorry, I came up here again." was the quiet cry, a girl. She sniffed loudly and let go of the vigilante. They were both sitting towards the perimeter, legs hanging over the concrete ledge, but neither seemed all that bothered by imminent death looming thousands of feet below. They seemed entirely comfortable there, and he shoved down the burst of concern that ate through his chest, ignoring it for later consideration with the rest of his life regrets.

"What is a hero?" - Vigilante Izuku Story (official rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now