「 Chapter 13 」

Start from the beginning

Without stopping to think further, she slipped on a sweater and her shoes, praying that he wouldn't get back anytime soon. Creeping downstairs, for once she was relieved to find the house completely empty. She took a deep breath and opened the front door, poking her head out to look around. When she didn't see anyone, she stepped outside and quietly closed the door.

Her legs began sprinting immediately. Although she wasn't an athlete, she was pretty fast. The cat noticed the familiar girl and ran towards her as well, its tail standing straight as a sign of joy.

Madeline laughed as the feline jumped into her arms, purring loudly. Holding it tightly, she nuzzled her nose against its head.

"I told you I'd come back for you," She whispered, staring into the animal's bright green eyes. "Hmm.. I think I'm going to name you... Mittens."

All that was left do to was get back to the house and somehow hide the cat. With her heart pounding, she slowly opened the door. "Thank goodness he isn't here." Placing Mittens on the couch, she wondered where she'd hide him. "The lounge room? No, he'd find out too easily. The bedroom? That's even worse-"

She snapped out of her thoughts when Mittens jumped off the couch, running off into the hallway.

The young girl chased after him. "Hey! Mittens, where are you going?" She assumed he wanted some food, but he ran right past the kitchen, going further down the halls. "Mittens, get back here!"

Madeline had never been to this part of the house before. A sinister feeling struck her as they entered the ominous darkness. She did not know where the light switches were, and it was starting to scare her.

Chills spread across her body; she was only wearing a short nightgown layered with a thin sweater, and there was no source of heat in this part of the house. She wrapped her arms around herself, trying to keep warm and calm herself down.

Suddenly, a faint hint of light appeared as they turned around a corner. The cat proceeded into the room. Madeline peeked through the doorway curiously; there was a staircase leading down.

Anxious thoughts flooded her head. Was this the basement? Why were the lights on? The ambience was unsettling. As much as she wanted to run back to the safety of the bedroom, she couldn't just leave Mittens here. So, she carefully padded down the stairs.

"Finally, you stopped running. Don't ever do that again, okay?'' She sighed, picking the cat up in her arms. She turned around to leave, but stopped when she heard faint voices behind her.

"Is someone there?"

"Help us, please!"

Madeline contemplated wether she should see venture further or not. She was not supposed to be down here in the first place, and this whole place chilled her to the bone. But people were asking for her help, she could not just ignore them.

Tentatively, she turned back and followed the voices deeper in the basement. Going around a corner, she spotted a jail cell, faintly illuminated by a lantern hanging from the ceiling. Four men sat in the cell, chained to the wall. They seemed in horrible condition, like they hadn't eaten or been out for weeks. In front of them stood a table; strange devices she had never seen before were place on top of it.

"A human?" One of the men inquired. "And a... cat?"

"Please ma'am, open the cell and free us. There isn't much time left before he comes back." Another one pleaded, tugging at his chains.

"Who's he? W-What happened to you guys?" Madeline stuttered, trying to steady her racing heart.

"Is it not obvious? That brutal, heartless monster, Alpha Blade? He captured and tortures us daily for his own pleasure. He's a sick man. Please, save us, we're innocent."

The young girl froze, her lips parting in shock. Matthew was doing this to innocent people?

"No, he would never do anything like this..." There was a hint of uncertainty in her voice.

What are you saying, you foolish girl. He's a direwolf, you know? They're beastly creatures. Always have been."

"A human in a direwolf's house... That could only mean one thing. She's his mate."

They all sent her a pitiful look.

"Listen here, miss. He's going to kill you if you don't escape. Direwolves always end up killing their mates. If you let us go, we'll help you get away safely. We can save you from him."

Madeline refused to believe their words. Matthew would never do that to her. He loved her, he was protecting her, he made her feel safe... right?

"Stop doubting us. You can see all his torture devices in front of you. Look at the whip marks on our backs. Your mate is nothing but a demon."

Her eyes widened as they turned around, revealing bright red welts all over their bare skin. Some of the wounds were even bleeding. The sight made her sick to her stomach.

"Please, unlock the cell and save us."

"Should I?" Matthew would be terribly angry at her, but these poor people were being tortured; she can not let this continue any longer.

Before she could take a step closer to the cell, two large hands grasped her shoulders, swiftly turning her around. Terror coursed through her veins as her eyes were met with two familiar brown ones.

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