「 Chapter 11 」

Start from the beginning

"Sorry, I have to go. It was nice talking you, I hope we can meet again," He said, rushing through the crowd.

Madeline swirled the champagne in her glass around, then quickly finished all of it. Forgetting what Matthew had told her, she got up from her seat and began wandering the ballroom. A gasp escaped her lips when she found the door leading to a balcony; the scenery was beautiful, she impulsively moved closer to the railing to admire the view.


"Here you are." Two hands grabbed her waist from behind. "I was looking for you everywhere. Don't scare me like that." Matthew turned her around so they faced each other.

Madeline looked up at him. Maybe it was the champagne, or the gleaming moonlight, but for some reason, he appeared much more handsome than usual.

"I love your face," She said tipsily, reaching up to stroke his cheek. "You could be a model, you know?" He stared back at her, bemused. His nose finally caught onto the smell of champagne on her lips.

"You're drunk," He discerned.

She giggled, hiding her face in his chest. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to get drunk. But it tasted really good." Her small arms wrapped around his torso, hugging him tightly. "I was missing you a lot, don't leave me again."

He gently hugged back, unsure of how to handle her in this state. "Right, do you want to go back home? I don't have to stay here any longer."

"Hmm... You're not busy anymore? Can you dance with me?" She raised her head to look at him with pleading eyes. Her behaviour was starting to amuse him. The music from the ballroom was loud enough to be heard from the balcony.

Normally, Matthew did not like to dance, but he decided to have a little fun with her tonight. Moving her hand up to his shoulder and placing his on her waist, he held out his other hand for her.

"Would you care for a dance, my lady?"

Madeline beamed and grabbed his hand, delighted. Slowly, they swayed to the music, keeping their eyes on each other the entire time. Matthew noticed the deep affection in her eyes; he had never seen her look at him like that before.

"I hope you never find your mate," She murmured. Despite her drunken state, there was a perceptible earnestness in her voice.

Her partner arched an inquiring eyebrow. "Why is that?"

"So you'll stay with me forever."

He leaned down until their foreheads were touching. "What if you are my mate?"

"I wish I could be." Her eyes were full of sincerity. "I know I shouldn't feel like this, but I really, really like you Matthew."

A sliver of surprise flashed across his features. Humans can not feel the mate-bond, so he assumed it would take much longer for her to develop these feelings for him.

"And why shouldn't you feel like this?"

"Because I'm a human, so you'll never like me back."

Matthew could not help but smile at the irony of the situation. He spent weeks holding back his feelings for his mate, afraid that she wouldn't feel the same, only to find out she was doing the same. "Oh Madeline, if only you knew..."

His eyes drifted down to her lips, and his wolf was growling in anticipation. Slowly, he leaned in.

"My head really hurts," Madeline said, not realizing what he was about to do. "Way to ruin the moment," He grumbled in his head, removing his arms from her waist.

"I'm taking you home then."


A pounding headache woke Madeline up, whimpering in pain. A pair of strong arms wrapped around her, rubbing her back soothingly.

Matthew grabbed a glass from the bedside table, and brought it up to her lips. "Have some water."

She avidly drank it, trying to conciliate her dry throat.

"Thank you," She mumbled, resting her head on his shoulder. He was sitting up on the bed, his back against the headboard, while she sat on his lap. "Why does my head hurt so much?"

"You don't remember what happened last night?" She shook her head. "Let's see... You got drunk, we danced together, then you made a rather romantic confession to me."

Madeline suddenly jerked away, regret written all over her face.

"... What?" The panic in her voice was evident. How could she have been so reckless? She confessed her love to a werewolf? She couldn't even remember his reaction, since she was drunk. Did he laugh at her? Was he weirded out?

Matthew pulled her back in his arms, brushing a stray piece of hair from her face. His actions confused her; she expected him to reject and scold her, not hold her close like this.

"Do you regret saying it?" He asked her, cupping her face with his large hand. She nodded her head diffidently, unaware that he was leaning closer.

"I'm really sorry, I probably ruined our friendship, just forget... W-What are you doing-"

Before she could finish her sentence, his lips were on hers.

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