「 Chapter 10 」

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The three stood there, frozen.

"I'm sorry if I interrupted anything," The human murmured, spinning on her heels to scramble out the room.

"Madeline, wait." Matthew stepped away from the Beta, quickly pulling down his shirt and rushing to follow his mate.

The young girl ran through the hallways, trying to hold back her tears. "Don't cry over this, you stupid girl, of course he'll pick a werewolf over you." A whirlwind of emotions swept through her head; envy, sorrow, anguish, despair... She wondered how long Matthew had been seeing that woman.

"Where are you going?" Two familiar hands grabbed her by the waist, pulling her into a hard, built chest. She looked down, not wanting him to see her teary eyes.

"I was going- Well, I wanted to ask you if I could go to Nathan's grave." She fiddled with her fingers, waiting for Matthew's answer.

"It's raining outside, you'll get sick. You can go tomorrow."

"But I have to go today. It's his birthday. Please?"

His hand reached to tilt her chin, compelling her to look up at him. He could see the tears brimming her eyes, but assumed it was simply because she was really missing her brother today.

"Alright, I'll come with you." Taking her wrist, he guided her towards the door.

"But what about that woman you were with?"

"Don't mind her." He grabbed an umbrella, pulling Madeline close so it would cover both of them.

"... Was that why I'm not allowed to come in your office? You could've just told me if you had a girlfriend."

He glanced down at her, confused. "What? She's not my girlfriend. I usually never let others into my office, they distract me from work."

"Then why did you let her in?" There was something withdrawn and tense in her voice. She almost sounded... jealous?

"She's my new Beta, and she needed to speak with me." Madeline's frown deepened after hearing that. If that woman was a Beta, she must be very strong, and she would also be seeing Matthew quite often...

"Okay..." She mumbled in a gloomy tone. He couldn't understand why she seemed so dismal.

Arriving at the grave, Madeline placed down her flowers and sang Happy Birthday to her brother. Matthew intently enjoyed the sound of her singing, though it only lasted a few seconds. The rain had gotten heavier; the two decided to return to the house shortly thereafter.

"I'd like to hear you sing more often," Matthew professed along the way.


"You have the voice of an angel." As always, she felt her cheeks heat up at his compliment.

"Thank you. And thank you for coming with me."

"Anything for you."

His words left her flustered. Why did he keep being so affectionate to her? His compliments only intensified her feelings, and as much as she loved them, she wished he would stop. Her emotions obfuscated her so much, she felt like she'd explode soon if she kept it all to herself.


Matthew grumbled in annoyance when he walked into his office and was met with both Betas. He glared at the female. "You're still here?"

"I'm not leaving until you tell me what you are," She replied, leaning back in her chair. "Your mate is quite cute. Madeline, is that her name?"

"... My mate?"

"The way you looked at her made it so obvious. Your mood instantly changed when she walked in."

A sinking feeling formed in the pit of his stomach; all his deepest secrets were being divulged before him, and he couldn't stop it. "She's a smart one." Her brains must be why the Pack had chosen her as their second in command. His eyes turned to the Beta male, who had not said anything since.

"Your mate is quite observant, isn't she?"

"I'm sorry if she's troubling you, Alpha. I told her to just leave you be-" He was cut off by his mate elbowing him in the stomach.

"I'm not troubling him, it's important for us to know these things so we can serve him better. I don't understand how you worked for him for so many years without knowing a single thing about him."

A deep sigh left Matthew's lips, realizing there was no getting himself out of this. "You're right. I shouldn't be keeping these things from you."

The two Betas leaned forward, eager to hear his answers.

"Well, I am a direwolf. No, we're not extinct, and no, we're not trying to take over and kill all werewolves. And yes, that human girl is my mate. Any other questions?"

The room fell still for a moment while the two pondered over his confession.

His Beta male broke the silence. "I'm glad you found your mate, Alpha."

"We know you're a very secretive person, but you can trust us, alright? You don't have to keep everything to yourself," The female added.

"Yeah yeah, now get out of here, I have work to do." The Betas scampered out the room, grinning triumphantly.

Although Matthew wanted to keep his identity a secret, the relief he felt when he finally told them was immense. He was aware that many would be against him if they found out. Among werewolves, there were a lot of negative perceptions of direwolves, but he did not care anymore; it felt gratifying to no longer be so bottled up.

Unraveling SecretsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz