Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

It went black.

I opened my eyes slowly.

" Cressida!" Morgan screamed!

" W-W-What?" I asked stuttering.

" Your okay! I thought you would go into a coma or something!" She said. I almost started to laugh until i realized she was really worried about me.

" Yea. I am accident prone." I forgot to see why I had blacked out. I looked up and saw Josh. Ugh.

"  Sorry, young lady, can I help you up?" He asked with a fake, cheesy smile.

" I can get up myself." I said in an angry tone. My head was throbbing.

" Maybe we shouldn't go to the m-"

" No, It's fine, we can still go." I said as I hopped up, wincing as I did.

"See you later Josh, Morgan said with a flirtatious smile.

When we got back into the car, I said to Morgan, "Stay away from him. He is no good."

" Why, have you dated him?" She said with a smile.

" Eww! No, I haven't, and I don't want to."

" Your lying." She said with a laugh.

" No I am not Morgan! Just stay away from him! Got it?" I said in a serious tone. She nodded her head. The rest of the ride was silent.

When we got to the mall, days after the murder, I was surprised to see it open, and running like nothing happened. Maybe they didn't report the murder to the newspaper. I hadn't seen any stories like that. Or maybe, nobody found out, but us.

We went into Fusion. We made small talk about how this dress was cute, that one wasn't. I ended up buying a green fishnet shirt that goes up to about mid stomach, and a lime green Tu-Tu to go with it. My total came to $100. Stupid Expensive clothes. I knew I needed to look good though, It would increase my mood.

Morgan ended up using more of my money then I did. I told her, she had $200 to get, a dress, and few accessories to go with it. She used up all her money in 30 minutes.

We went o the food court, and this time, I ordered sushi, because it was better for you. I got 12 pieces and scarfed them down. I got glares from across the room that said, Your-A-Pig. If anyone pointed, I would flip them off. That scared them all away.

We were out of the mall by 3, and we went back to my house. We got there at 3:54.

" Why are we stopping here?" Morgan asked.

" I need to, uh, grab some stuff." I said nervously, and then ran inside.

I typed in 54237 on the code pad, and the garage opened. I looked, and saw my mom, and my brother Kevin's " Future car " were gone. I gasped.

" What's wrong?" Morgan said as she rolled down the window and stuck her head out.

" Oh, nothing. My mom might be teaching Kevin how to drive in a parking lot."

" Why are both of the cars gone then?" She asked. Crap.

" Ummmm..... Maybe my mom left and then Kevin snuck out. You know Kevin."  I said with a weak smile. I ran into the garage door.

I went up to my room, grabbed my make, hair dryer, straighter, both curling irons, a pack of tampons,  and clothes. I put it all into a suitcase. At least we didn't have any pets.

I wonder what Morgan would think of me bringing a suitcase with me.


Sorry! It's short. when the votes reach 25 I will update again! 

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