Chapter Twenty-Six

Start from the beginning

I was frozen in my anger, stilled by it and unable to say even a single word to defend myself while Yvie painted truths into delusional thoughts. For a moment, I even considered the fact that maybe I was just imagining everything. But no! The way my lower abdomen throbbed for days could never have been imagined nor the blood that spilt out in spots the day after. The only person I could trust with keeping my sanity was Carrie.

The moment I told her, she had no doubt in her eyes that I couldn't have been lying. She held me and I cried. I cried so much that my head throbbed for days after. Then Carrie brought me back to planet earth with a single question. A question that condemned me further.

"Roey, did you take the plan B after it happened?"

I hadn't. In fact, everything but the fucking plan B crossed my mind. I considered calling the cops. I considered reporting Neil and Yvie to their parents, to my parents, to the school authorities. I had considered all that but never once considered the stupid plan B pill. I was paying for that stupid mistake now.

"We have to do something, Roey. You're the most intelligent person I've ever met! And you're only fourteen! You can't ruin your life because of one night you didn't even want!" Carrie reiterated with newfound determination in her eyes.

I just couldn't think! I-.

"I need to talk to my parents Carrie. I made a mistake by not informing them the last time but I won't repeat that error. Neil will pay and my father will make sure of that!"


I remember telling my father about Neil. I remember crying my fucking eyes out after telling my father in his office about my pregnancy. It took me one week to summon the courage to tell my father that I was pregnant.

I, his only daughter Rochelle who was just fourteen was going to have a baby.

The more I watched shock settle on his and my mother's features, the more I fell apart. The pair simply didn't know how to handle my news. My mother wailed bitterly. I could still hear her cries in my ears to this day. She squeezed every bit of life out of me. My father on the other hand was furious. He was livid, as expected and wanted to know who had molested his daughter. Who had the gall to touch me, his daughter. He wanted blood. Every part of him was enraged and by the time he reached for his phone to investigate which family Yvie came from so that he could bring justice upon Neil for what he did to me, he was screaming into the phone.

Then his demeanour changed and everything fell apart.

To date, I am still unable to decide what exactly was the worst moment in my life: the day I was raped, the day I found out that I was pregnant as a result of that rape or the day that my father had my unborn child forcefully aborted after I had decided that I would keep it.

My tears didn't matter, neither did my pleas nor my explanations. All that mattered was the fact that my father's company was going bankrupt and the man who was not only my father's business partner and biggest investor, the man who was the reason that my father's empire hadn't gone to hell yet was the same man whose son molested me. He was the very man who said, "Jon, clean this mess up which your daughter has created before I have to,"

And Jon, my father did clean it up. There were no discussions after that. I was getting an abortion with or without my consent. With or without my mother's, my father would take that child out of me in order to hide the sins of his business partner who was apparently the reason we still had a roof over our heads. Even if the price for that very roof was silencing and ultimately condemning me.

All I remember after that was begging my father and my mother begging my father before the paramedics dragged me away from my mom and stuck a needle in my arm. I cried and cried until I lost consciousness. Everything after that was a huge blur. When I woke up, I was no longer pregnant and with the same line of thought, I no longer had a father. I never forgave him. Even after his death, I tried. I really tried but I never forgave him for choosing money over his daughter's pain. Not only did he not give me any justice, but he also took away my right to decide whether or not I wanted my child to live.

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