Chapter 13: Close Your Eyes

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Sophocles immediately perked up, his mouth watering. "Really??? No kidding??"

"That sounds delicious, boys, but we need to go! What if they get more grunts after us??" Lana quickly derailed their conversation.

Kiawe and Sophocles slumped. "Right..."

The group of four began running down the other hallway, staying close together. Kiawe eyed Sophocles, leaning down slightly to whisper to him. "Raid the Malasadas on the way out?"

"You read my mind." Sophocles nodded, and the two grinned at each other and fist bumped.

As the four continued to run, the eventually saw a ninety degree turn, and a black and blue door at the end of their hallway. Sophocles pointed. "That's gotta be it!"

"Only one way to find out." Brock grit his teeth. He let out a ferocious, powerful yell as he sprinted toward the door, and kicked it right down with sheer force, knocking the door off of its hinges and landing safely with both feet on top of the fallen door.

"Alright, crooks, your treachery ends now!!" Brock yelled again, looking beyond ticked off and forceful.

"Whoa, Brock's not messing around." Lana commented as she entered the room after Brock, followed by Kiawe and Sophocles, who had somehow kept up this whole time.

"We want that blue orb!!" Sophocles exclaimed.



"Braixen, use Hidden Power!"

"Flygon, use Dragon Breath!"

"Altaria, Fire Blast!"

"Mamoswine, Ice Shard!"

In the hall that led to the Red Orb, things were just as chaotic. The girls, for the most part, had the advantage. The launched attacks on their opponents before they had much of a chance to react, giving them an opportunity to pass by without much consequence. That on top of Mamoswine's sheer intimidation factor, they were a tough force to stop.

Mamoswine continued to charge forward, shrugging off smaller moves from approaching grunt's Pokémon. However, its momentum was halted when a group of Crawdaunt grabbed it by the tusks and managed to force it to a stop.

"Now, Swampert, use Muddy Water!"

They all heard a grunt call for a Muddy Water attack. They saw a Swampert just behind the Crawdaunt preparing to launch its move. Dawn turned back to her allies. "Can one of you back me up?"

"Leave it to me!" Serena was quick to respond. She threw one of her Pokéballs forward. "Roselia, come out and use Petal Dance!"

Roselia materialized and wasn't no time to launch Petal Dance at the Crawdaunt and Swampert, forcing the Crawdaunt back and halting Swampert's attempted attack. With the Crawdaunt down, Mamoswine began to charge forward again, pushing the Crawdaunt and Swampert out of the way and clearing a path for the girls. They all continued to run after the massive Pokémon. Quickly, they all saw that the path they were on rounded off and turned a corner at the end of the hall. They also saw the outline of a door at the far end of the hall.

"A door! That's gotta be where the Orb is, right?" Dawn asked, her breath strained.

"I'd say there's a good chance!" Lillie agreed.

"Then let's get in there!" Mallow rallied.

However, before they could do so, they were interrupted by a calm, yet intimidating female voice.

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