five - phone numbers

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I had absolutely no idea if he had found me as attractive as I found him, or if he was even gay. Never mind his attitudes towards asexual people or sex or even relationships in general. I barely knew him.

But he's so pretty.

"What the fuck, Cley." I whispered to myself, shaking my head. I finished piping the last cupcake before beginning to place them onto the transfer racks. "You don't even know him! You do not like him! Get these thoughts out of your mind."

It was the tattoos. It had to be the tattoos. That must be why I was so attracted to him. I couldn't explain anything else.

Is this what a day in the life of Hendrix and Aaliyah is like? Ugh.

By the time I'd placed all of the cupcakes in their designated stands, it was time to begin the evening pastry batch. It took me a few hours to perfect the confectionaries but they were done in time so I was able to help Hendrix with the customers before going back to clean the kitchen up.

It wasn't often that we both closed the place together, given our personal timetables. Hendrix was an artist in her spare time and often showcased her work at any galleries that she could, while I tended to write songs with Sacha. Sacha was determined to make it big, more so than anything, and I admired his resilience above all else.

We'd booked for Fallen Temple to play a few nights here in the late Summer, as an official ticket based night too. Hendrix was very excited to be able to 'drink on the job', while I just couldn't wait to witness my brother in his element, singing our songs with his best friends.

"Saint Nick!"

Groaning to myself, I finished placing the equipment that I'd used into the dishwater before following Hendrix's shout. When I reached the front room, my eyes fell onto the green-haired demon talking to a God.

Well, maybe that was a little dramatic.

Kareem appeared to have changed out of his usual dark ensemble and replaced it with a lighter option. He was wearing a lilac sweater with black, baggy jeans. It shouldn't be legal for anybody to look that good. He looked so soft, with smooth brown skin and silky hair that made me just want to reach out and touch it.

Sending him a timid smile, I watched in awe as his face seemed to light up. He grinned at me, bottom lip between his front teeth as he sent me a small wave.

"Apparently, my cupcakes are in demand today."

"Oh?" Eyebrows raised, I turned to Hendrix, who was looking up at me innocently. "Your cupcakes?"

"Yes, Kazza wants half a dozen." She smiled sweetly at me, the persona of innocence.

"I'm sure you know where you can find my cupcakes to hand to our customer," I emphasised, rising to her bait as she started laughing.

"Oh darling, I don't think you've realized how this works." She tutted, before petting my shoulder deliriously. "If they taste good, I take the credit. Why do you think none of the old people praise your cooking anymore?"

I froze, having noticed a shift in conversation with some of our most regular customers. "You're joking."

"Afraid not, Sweetie." She giggled, "Now I'll go find a box that I can put my cupcakes in while you wait here." She sauntered away, but not without sending me a very dramatic grin first.

I blinked at her retreating form, before turning back to Kareem. "I hate her."

He giggled, a soft sound that was barely audible. His sweater extended well below his arms, giving him the most adorable sweater paws that he'd wrapped his hands in. "She's definitely one in a million."

the art of falling for you (bxb)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora